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密封式底部,可供两栖动物造景之用。The sealed bottom is for setting making for amphibian.

在这次爆炸当中损失了三辆两栖工程车。Three Marine amphibian tractors were lost in the explosion.

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这个世界对于青步甲来说简直就是一个两栖类美食餐厅。The world is an amphibian smorgasbord to the Epomis beetles.

它可以在英国的22、23型护卫舰,无敌级航母和各种两栖舰上服役。It can serve on 22, 23 frigate, UK carriers and amphibian ships.

举个例,许多两栖类生物研究专家正积极的从事这项工作。It is being actively pursued by amphibian specialists, for example.

两栖动物的生活空间要比单栖动物大得多。The living space of the amphibian is much larger than that of others.

日本学生承认笠头螈是其制作的模型。Japanese student admits to GUST the amphibian Diplodocaulus was a model.

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青蛙属于两栖动物,也就是说它既能生活在陆地上也能生活在水里。The frog is an amphibian , which means it can live on land and in water.

起初,天气乍凉的时候,这种两栖动物将自己埋在土壤里。At first this amphibian deals with the cooler days by burying itself in the soil.

结论爪鲵在两栖纲动物中属于较原始的种类。Conclusion Onychodactylus fischeri is a relatively primitive type in the amphibian.

结论大沙河保护区的两栖动物资源丰富,具有保护价值。Conclusions There are rich amphibian resource in the area witch should be protected.

但是太阳一下山,这些阳奉阴违的虫子就会在背后捅一刀,并吃掉它们的两栖类室友。But once the sun goes down, the backstabbing bug kills and eats its amphibian roomies.

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诗人为何选择这个两栖动物作为公众人物的代表?Why does the speaker choose that amphibian as her representative of a public creature?

两栖车采用滑行车体方案是实现高速航行的一种有效形式。Adopting the sliding bodywork in the Amphibian Vehicle is good for sailing in high seed.

这里有超过730种两栖类动物在巴西,其中特有种类467在该地区。There are more than 730 amphibian species in Brazil, 467 of which are endemic to the region.

北美两栖类监测计划是美国最大的青蛙计数系统。The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program is the country's largest frog-counting system.

北美两栖动物监测中心是美国最大的青蛙统计机构。The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program is the country’s largest frog-counting system.

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一个旨在重新发现被认为灭绝的两栖物种的代表团收获了其第一个发现。A mission aimed at rediscovering amphibian species thought to be extinct has yielded its first results.

两栖类是生态系统中的重要物种,并且对环境毒理评价有着深远意义。Amphibian is an important specie in ecosystem and has profound meaning in the ecotoxicology evaluation.

不过直到现在,研究者才认识到两栖动物的幼仔可能也会在水下发出声音。Until now though, researchers did not realise that amphibian larva might also produce sounds underwater.