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他导演了五部莎士比亚戏剧。He directed five Shakespearean plays.

这儿有莎士比亚学校和慈善组织。There's Shakespearean schools, charity organisations.

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莎士比亚的许多剧本已经搬上了银幕。Many of Shakespearean plays have been adapted as films.

莎士比亚的戏剧,没有一个固定的版本。That is there is no single a heartedly version of Shakespearean plays.

姚读着这些中国的标识,仿佛在品读着一首莎士比亚风格的诗作。Mr. Yao read off the Chinese equivalents as if savoring a Shakespearean sonnet.

这很好,莎士比亚的悲剧让我年轻的父亲从此脱离了生活的轨道。That was the great, Shakespearean tragedy that derailed my young father’s life.

他是位莎士比亚作品演员,来我们学校为莎翁歌功颂德。He was a Shakespearean actor who came to our school to extol the virtues of Shakespeare.

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极少有人可以写出莎士比亚的十四行诗或是沃兹沃斯的隐喻,你也别指望了。Few writers can pull off a Shakespearean sonnet or metaphors like Wordsworth, so don't try.

福尔杰图书馆也收藏了文艺复兴时期和莎士比亚文化的展品。The Folger Library also holds exhibits about the Renaissance period and Shakespearean culture.

我给她读莎士比亚优美的十四行诗,但在这样没文化的人面前,简直是对牛弹琴。I read that beautiful Shakespearean sonnet to her but it was pearls before swine to such an illiterate person.

注两位莎士比亚悲剧演员莎拉席登斯和她哥哥约翰菲利浦肯布尔的侄女。Fanny Kemblewas the niece of two Shakespearean tragedians, Sarah Siddons and Siddons's brother, John Philip Kemble.

这位裁缝把他的布料商标注册为“轧别丁”,这是一个来自于莎士比亚戏剧中的词,意思是“恶劣天气中的遮蔽物”。The tailor trademarked his cloth “Gabardine”, a Shakespearean term that referred to shelter from inclement weather.

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这四组规则的结合,让物理学家感受到优雅和完整,就好比诗人读到了莎士比亚的十四行诗一般。The four together feel as elegant, as whole, and as complete to a physicist as a Shakespearean sonnet does to a poet.

格特鲁德·斯泰因常在自己的作品中用这个句子,正如莎士比亚戏剧中朱丽叶的经典台词。Gertrude Stein frequently used this line in her work as a reference to Juliet's famous speech in the Shakespearean play.

布鲁姆告诉我们,这个宇宙是类似于莎士比亚科尔宾的“意象境界”的苏菲,灵魂或灵魂的地方。Bloom shows us that this Shakespearean cosmos is analogous to Corbin's "Imaginal Realm" of the Sufis, the place of soul or souls.

评论家乔治•斯泰纳将从柯尔律治到单宁生所有的英国诗歌剧都看是“莎士比亚作品风格微小的转变”。Critic George Steiner described all English verse dramas from Coleridge to Tennyson as "feeble variations on Shakespearean themes."

而实际上,这类年轻与老迈,崛起与衰落的莎士比亚剧情,是历史上最古老的线索之一。Indeed, this story line, with its Shakespearean overtones of youth and age, vigor and decline, is among the oldest in recorded history.

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其中,莎士比亚悲剧的崇高感给中国现代悲剧注入了震撼人心的生命力与充满反叛抗争的人性精神。Particularly, the sublimity of Shakespearean tragedies had injected an exciting vitality and a revolting spirit into modern Chinese drama.

而劳伦斯·奥利弗则是迄今为止唯一一位因为饰演莎翁笔下角色而赢得奥斯卡的演员,而且他演绎的是最难的一个角色-哈姆雷特。Laurence Olivier is to date the only actor to have won an Oscar for a Shakespearean performance, and it was the most difficult of all, Hamlet.

我想说的第一个例子是由,教授指导的项目,Professor,Peter,Donaldson。,他是麻省理工文学院院长,是个研究莎士比亚的学者。The first example I'd like to tell you is directed by Peter Donaldson He is the head of literature section at MIT And a Shakespearean scholar.