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她那喋喋不休的讲话一定会使你厌烦。To speak or chatter glibly and rapidly.

他口口声声表白不知道这件事。He glibly professed his ignorance of the affair.

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问下换满口牙需要多少钱?Ask next changing glibly how to many money the tooth needs?

她滔滔不绝地谈着人体解剖和结构,平面与线条。She talked glibly of anatomy and construction, planes and lines.

他们大谈团结,却没有作任何事来促进团结。They talked glibly about unity but never did anything to advance it.

艇成员们高兴地称这为“第二段美好时期”和“美洲狩猎季节”。The U-boat crews glibly called it the "Second Happy Time" and the "American Shooting Season".

久而久之,音乐使我们自然流畅地进入不约而同的默契。As time passes, music makes our nature glibly enters the tacit agreement that happen to coincide.

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鸿渐得意头上,口快说三天告诉她确实消息。Beaming with satisfaction, Hung-chien replied glibly that he would tell her more within three days.

而我,刚才流畅地讲到宽恕,现在手却在手袋里摸索着,并没有去握他的手。And I, who had spoken so glibly of forgiveness, fumbled in my pocketbook rather than take that hand.

过分轻易地说无条件接纳可能会鼓励轻率和不顺服的生活方式。To speak too glibly about unconditional acceptance appears to encourage careless and disobedient living.

主动提出自己的观点和意见,能够使用文字与言语流畅地表达自身思想。Offer oneself viewpoint and opinion actively, can use character and idea of oneself of verbal glibly expression.

有些青年,仅仅在嘴上大讲其信仰三民主义,或者信仰马克思主义,这是不算数的。Some young people talk glibly about their belief in the Three People's Principles or in Marxism, but this does not prove anything.

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若无真主在今世和后世所赐你们的恩惠和仁慈,你们必因诽谤而遭受重大的刑罚。Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on you, in this world and the Hereafter, a grievous penalty would have seized you in that ye rushed glibly into this affair.

段时间以来,我们一直毫不犹豫地给我们正身处的这场金融乱局贴上“潜在全球性金融危机”的标签,并大谈出现一场全球性经济衰退的危险。For some time now, we’ve rather glibly labelled the financial mess we’re in as a potential global financial crisis and written about the risks of a global economic recession.

我不知道峰是从哪里攒来的钱,第二天就把一个包装精致的盒子交给我,让我在新年前一天转送给梅,我满口答应了。I do not know the peak is the money that comes from where assemble, pack the following day delicate box gives me, let me transmit a plum before today in New Year, my glibly agreed.

作者而高唱从变异的描述,这些自然现象的结论是,他的科学调查支持文明结束在这个日期。The author rather glibly moves from the descriptions of variability of these natural phenomena to the conclusion that his scientific investigations support the end of civilization at this date.

但事实上,即使许多阿拉伯世界的激进分子和学者已超越个性来看待问题的本源,夸夸其谈他们的目的,也意味着他们并没有领会挑战的深层含义。But the fact that so many activists and analysts in the Arab world and beyond so personify the problem, and speak so glibly of their goals, also suggests a failure to grasp the depth of the challenge.