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不可能变成奥利佛巴拉特三世。It's impossible to get to Oliver Barrett lll.

但Barrett指出FIM的盈利率也在上升。But Barrett says that margins at FIM are on the rise.

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没有人能写出比辛迪·巴雷特更棒的迷幻单曲。Nobody wrote better psychedelic singles than Syd Barrett.

可能是黄钱其濂贝瑞特褐变最受欢迎的爱情诗。Is probably Elizabeth Barrett Browning's most popular love poem.

巴雷特是彭博社商业周刊的助理总编Barrett is an assistant managing editor at Bloomberg Businessweek.

正如你所知我还有一把.50巴雷特反器材步枪,所以你们的装甲车对我来说也就是个靶子。As you know I also own Barrett . 50′s so your APC are defunct and futile.

巴雷特说,雅虎高管在产品创新上失败了。Yahoo officials 'have failed at product innovation, ' Mr. Barrett argued.

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其余的人像巴雷特那样盯着我,准备我一睡着就跳过来。The rest watched me as Barrett did, ready to spring the instant I relaxed.

研究未能解决这一问题,但是Barrett说有可能两者相辅相成。The study can't sort that out. But Barrett said it might be a bit of both.

巴兰特协会,马里兰州敦克尔克市沃德西路3140号208室,邮编20754。Barrett & Associates, Inc. , 3140 West Ward Road, Suite 208, Dunkirk, Maryland 20754

对伊丽莎白·芭莱特·勃朗宁夫人的研究经历了一个很长的时期。The study on Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her writings has experienced a long time.

借用白朗宁夫人的一个比喻,他们伸手去抓抓不着的东西。To borrow a metaphor from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, their reach exceeds their grasp.

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伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁和罗伯特·勃朗宁都相信他们的婚姻是永恒的。Both Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning believed their marriage was eternal.

英语中最著名的情诗之一是伊莉莎白.巴莱特.勃朗宁的〈十四行诗四十三〉。One of the most famous love poems in English is Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "Sonnet 43".

乐团很快就由于巴雷特的精神崩溃而失去了他,加入了吉尔莫的史诗般的吉他。The group was soon to lose Barrett to a mental breakdown and gain Gilmore’s epic guitar leads.

在一项实验中,巴雷特要求学生们选择了一个试图在梦中来解决的家庭作业问题。In one experiment, Barrett had college students pick a homework problem to try to solve in a dream.

伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁和她的丈夫罗伯特·勃朗宁的生活符合一流浪漫诗人的身份。Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her husband, Robert Browning, led lives suited for leading Romantic poets.

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前任CEO安迪·格诺夫曾经开玩笑说巴雷特已经收集了所有的飞行路线,他都可以购买一架自己的飞机了。Former CEO Andy Grove joked that Barrett had collected enough frequent-flier miles to buy his own airline.

十九世纪英国著名诗人白朗宁夫人的十四行诗有其独到的艺术魅力。The sonnets of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, a famous English poet of 19th century. are full of unique charms.

巴雷特得到了70年代中期,特别是真正与雪儿在采访中选择了自己贝瑞特作为一个杰出的职业生涯。Barrett got particularly real with Cher in a mid-'70s interview chosen as a career standout by Barrett herself.