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催产素还可能充当资本积累的工具。Oxytocin may also be a capitalist tool.

俄罗斯的大城市如今毫不讳言资本主义。Russia's big cities are now unashamedly capitalist.

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资本家少算工人们的工资。The capitalist cheats the workers over their wages.

在资本主义制度下,利润和亏损是信号。In a capitalist system, profits and losses are signals.

中国尚少新式的资本主义的农业。There is as yet little modern capitalist farming in China.

这是资本主义的观点,可能听起来不太对劲This is a capitalist idea that might sometimes sound wrong.

我们不对这些新的资本主义权力者抱有任何期望。We place no hopes in the inclusion of new capitalist powers.

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在资本主义社会里,人没有钱则一事无成。In a capitalist society one cannot do anything without money.

如今许多学生咒骂“博洛尼亚”是资本家的阴谋。Many students now anathematise "Bologna" as a capitalist plot.

世界近代史不能同资本主义史画等号。Modern world history was not the history of capitalist society.

资本家们总是希望压榨出更多、更多、更多!The capitalist wants to squeeze out more, more, more," he said.

他开始是一位社会主义者,如今和你了解的资本家没什么两样。He started as a socialist, and now he's as capitalist as you get.

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资本主义生产关系在中国的命运是多舛的。The fate of capitalist production relations in China is tortuous.

工人们不相信资本家的慷慨诺言。The workers distrusted the large promises made by the capitalist.

要变成并正在部分地形成新的有产的『谑产阶级”。To become and is partially form new property-owning "capitalist".

金融寡头是垄断资本主义的真正统治者。The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies.

除邓之外,美国也在让中国变成一个资本主义经济体。Who turned China into a capitalist economy apart from Deng Xiaopeng.

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或许我应该打电话给那位风投,接受他的赌约。Perhaps I should call that venture capitalist back and take that bet.

你在商学院学到的资本主义信条,在这里未必管用。Not exactly the capitalist credo you might pick up in business school.

要害是姓“资”还是姓“社”的问题。The crux of the matter is whether the road is capitalist or socialist.