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该研究将在十月20号的天体物理学报上登出。The research will appear October 20 in The Astrophysical Journal.

但对这种现象,有一个完美的自然天体物理学解释。But the phenomenon has a perfectly natural astrophysical explanation.

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Chyba说,一个普林斯顿大学的天体物理科学教授。Chyba, a professor of astrophysical sciences at Princeton University.

对天体物理分析来说,可接收到的天体光量是相当小的。The amount of light available for astrophysical analysis are usually so small.

“这将帮助我们了解当发生星球碰撞的时天体物理过程的动态”。This will help our understanding of the dynamics of the astrophysical processes taking place as a star collapses.

讨论了天体物理环境中爆发性核合成及其与核结构的紧密关系。The explosive nucleosynthesis in the astrophysical environment and its close link to nuclear structure are discussed.

螺旋星云凸起的演化依然是天体物理学的一个谜。Stillan astrophysical mystery, the evolution of the bulges in spiralgalaxies led astronomers to the edge-on galaxy NGC4710.

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在亚洲地区,VLBI技术主要被发展用于空间大地测量、天体测量、和天体物理观测研究。In Asian area, VLBI technique has been developed for geodetic researches, astrometry , as well as for astrophysical studies.

结合天体物理应用,本文译述了强磁场中与辐射有关的高能电磁转换过程。From the viewpoint of astrophysical applications, we review high-energy electromagnetic conversion processes related to the radiation in strong magnetic fields.

类星体和活动星系核结构的变化及其中的视超光速运动,被认为是用VLBI方法所揭示的最重大的天体物理现象之一。The structural variations and superluminal motion within some QSSs and AGNs are considered as one of the most important astrophysical phenomena revealed by VLBI.

当他们研究哪种类型的天体可作为进入虫洞的入口时,发现了虫洞存在于恒星之间。The scientists began investigating the idea of wormholes between stars when they were researching what kinds of astrophysical objects could serve as entrances to wormholes.

简要介绍了天体物理感兴趣能区带电粒子核反应中的电子屏蔽效应的实验及理论研究。The experimental and theoretical studies of the electron screening effects in charged-particle induced reactions at energies of astrophysical interest are summarized briefly.

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一台原本用来探测引力波的天体物理来源这类庞然大物的设备却在漫不经心间发现了小到不能再小的时空微粒,这很具讽刺意味。It would be ironic if an instrument built to detect something as vast as astrophysical sources of gravitational waves inadvertently detected the minuscule graininess of space-time.

首先对第21周活动峰年期间取得的一些重大发现和进展作了总结,指出了它们在太阳耀斑物理上的重要意义。At first, a brief summary of new discoveries in solar flare physics made during the ascending phase and declining phase of the cycle 21 and their astrophysical implication are given.

由于中微子很小,又是电中性的,它们可以在宇宙中穿行到很远的地方而不受干扰,这就为天体物理学家带来了一些来自遥远天体的信息。Because neutrinos are tiny and electrically neutral, they can travel across the universe without interference, bringing with them information about their distant astrophysical sources.

德国航空航天中心、马克斯普朗克太阳系研究中心、意大利航天局和意大利国家天体物理研究所也是这个计划工作团队的一部分。The German Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Italian Space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute are part of the mission's team.

一个满负荷运作的观测站的到位,对那些热点的解释,以及对遍及宇宙的高能天文学现象的更好的解释,将会在今年内成为可能。With a full-power observatory in place, that explanation, as well as a better explanation of high-energy astrophysical phenomena throughout the universe, may be available in the years to come.

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人们通过分子光谱这三个方面的信息来了解分子内部结构和相互作用,并广泛地应用于光化学、天文和环境科学等研究领域。It provides a window to get the information of the molecular structure, properties and interactions. It also plays an important role in photochemistry, astrophysical and environmental applications.

史坎纳皮科也涉猎宇宙学,他在美国国家科学基金会赞助下任职于义大利佛罗伦斯的雅赛墔天体物理观测站及法国巴黎的天体物理学研究所。Scannapieco, who also dabbles in cosmology, works under the auspices of the National Science Foundation at the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence and the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris.