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我吃带骨的鱼。I ate fish with bones.

快起来,懒骨头.Get up, you lazy bones.

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缺钙了,骨头对它有用。Calcium, bones would do.

没有四肢的骨骼。There were no limb bones.

来吧拨浪鼓它们的制造者。Come on rattle them bones.

这个菜有骨头吗?。Does this dish have bones?

不要给她鱼骨头。Don't give her fish bones.

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文字不能断行吗?。Hard words break no bones.

这些是胎儿的耳骨。These are fetal ear bones.

你瘦成皮包骨了。You're all skin and bones.

她感到寒冷刺骨。The cold pierced her bones.

现在第五季了。Bones is in its fifth season.

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这些骨骸于被发现于2008年。The bones were found in 2008.

鸡肉里有骨头!This chicken has bones in it!

羊羔的骨头一根也不可折断。Do not break any of the bones.

她的身子骨痛。There were aches in her bones.

我们需要钙来壮骨。We need calcium to make bones.

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我的骨头变成幽暗的祖母绿。My bones turn to dark emeralds.

指骨,即构成手指的14块骨头。Phalanges. The 14 finger bones.

疾病侵袭他的骨胳。The disease attacked his bones.