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我们重申对同仁堂科技的“买入”评级。We iterate our "Buy" rating for TRTT.

迭代的是人,递归的是神。To iterate is human, to recurse divine.

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这是一个规划迭代的例子。This is an example of planning to iterate.

好吧,我们重申一下这个游戏的要点Now, again, let's just iterate the point here.

创建一个迭代器,以便通过集合进行迭代。Create an iterator to iterate through the collection.

然后,我迭代了输入文件中的每个类。Then, I iterate through every class in the input file.

然后在这个数组上进行迭代便可以显示这些值。You then iterate over this array to display the values.

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然后,您可以创建一个模板来遍历一个节点集Then, you can create a template to iterate over a nodeset

将它们放入一个数组,然后对该数组进行迭代。You put those into an array and then iterate over the array.

迭代陈述中的所有属性以便获得属性值。Iterate through all the attributes in the statement to get the values.

然后我们通过一系列更改的迭代来改进这一实现。We then iterate through a set of changes to improve this implementation.

接着就可以使用LINQ来迭代数据,并进行相应的处理。Then one can iterate over the data with LINQ, and process it accordingly.

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您总是想要对列表进行迭代以得到其中存储的值。You invariably want to iterate over a list to get the values stored in it.

只需循环遍历属性名数组,寻找审计字段。Just iterate over the array of property names looking for the audit fields.

这些仅仅是众多使用闭包进行迭代的方法中的两种。These are just two more of the many ways that you can use closures to iterate.

循环遍历提要中的条目来构建第一级活动节点。Iterate through the entries of the feed to construct first-level activity nodes.

首先我会细说基本的想法,然后我重述那些改动的地方。First I’ll go through the basic idea, then I’ll iterate through a few variations.

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但我若能找到正确的团队,他们也能取得成功,即使曲折。If I can find the right team however, they can successfully iterate toward success.

可以循环遍历这个列表并访问每个队列的所有相关信息。You can iterate over this list and access all pertinent information for each queue.

在这样一个市场,竞争对手永远是值得学习和借鉴的一方。In such a market, competitors iterate new features and constantly one-up each other.