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最有名的马其顿人是亚历山大大帝。The most famous Macedonian was Alexander the Great.

至少是马其顿名字,原子马其顿王。At least it's a Macedonian name,named after the king of Macedon.

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在西马其顿大区的Ptolemaida镇,电力是主要产业。In the West Macedonian town of Ptolemaida, electricity is the main industry.

接着大流士派遣战车冲向中央的马其顿方阵。Then Darius unleashes his chariots on the Macedonian phalanxes in the center.

墓葬的中心是一座金棺,金棺上可以找到马其顿国王王权的象征。The centerpiece was a gold sarcophagus with the symbol of the Macedonian king.

亚历山大由此控制了希腊及小亚细亚。That put Alexander and his Macedonian Army in charge of both Greece and Asia Minor.

潘德夫在昨天代表马其顿参加国际比赛的时候受伤。Goran Pandev injured himself yesterday while on duty with the Macedonian national team.

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我的最后一个问题。潘德夫能超过马其顿最好的球员潘采夫吗?。And my last question. Can Goran Pandev catch up Darko Pancev-the best Macedonian player?

米勒雅可夫后来成了一家纺织公司的代表,该公司在捷克斯洛伐克设有办事处。Mr Mijalkov was the representative of a Macedonian textile firm in the then Czechoslovakia.

公元前384年,亚里士多德出生于今萨洛尼卡的马其顿沿海一带的希腊殖民地斯塔吉拉。Aristotle was born at Stagira, a Greek colony on the Macedonian coast of modern Salonica, in 384 BC.

沿江德林一个在马其顿西南部城市斯特鲁加男孩喷溅8月21日2010年。A boy splashes along the river Drim in the southwestern Macedonian town of Struga on August 21, 2010.

马其顿的运动员在国际的运动现场有很多出色的表现。The Macedonian athletes reportedly have many successful appearances at the international sport scene.

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一个男孩从桥上跳在马其顿西南部城市斯特鲁加于2010年8月21日入河德林。A boy jumps from a bridge into the river Drim in the southwestern Macedonian town of Struga on August 21, 2010.

2004年2月5日,戴秉国副部长在外交部会见了马其顿副外长哈萨诺维奇。On February 5th 2004, Vice Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo met with Macedonian Vice Foreign Minister Fuad Hasanovic.

马其顿政府认为这座铜像是该地区的遗产之一。The Macedonian government commissioned the bronze monument as part of its efforts to claim the region's heritage.

拉布历基是最好的马其顿队伍,但在今季来说,马其顿的球会实力十分弱。Rabotnicki is the best Macedonian team, but the quality of Macedonia club football is on very low level this season.

自从马其顿王朝建立以来,伊沙克是第一位“军事”皇帝以自己的名义控制皇位。Isaac was the first "military" emperor to seize the throne in his own name since foundation of the Macedonian dynasty.

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今年夏天罗马在寻找一名新的杀手,有小道消息称他们有可能转向马其顿射手潘德夫。Roma are looking for a new hitman this summer and there are whispers that they could turn to Macedonian marksman Pandev.

为支援他的工作,一家马其顿电信商特别允许他直接连上其网路骨干。To support his effort, a Macedonian telecommunications company has given him a direct connection to its network backbone.

民俗音乐是斯拉夫马其顿的最珍贵的文化财富之一,每年都举行一些民间节日。Folk music is one of the most cherished areas of Slavic Macedonian culture, and several folk festivals take place each year.