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国会议员坦克雷多,让我们Congressman Tancredo, let us add to this

因为你哥哥是国会议员。Because your brother is Congressman Ludlow.

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必须向区国会议员申请。The Congressman of the district must be petitioned.

国会议员罗恩·保罗,感谢您抽空来我们节目。Congressman Ron Paul, thank you so much for your time.

国会议员抨击总统搞裙带关系。The congressman lashed the president for his nepotism.

关于这件事我要给我区的众议院议员写信。I'll write to the Congressman of my district about this.

谢谢议员先生,我们指望你能阻止它发生!We're counting on you to stop it. Thank you, congressman.

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亲爱的国会议员或参议员,我该首先放弃哪一部分呢?Dear Mr. Congressman or Senator, what shall I give up first?

国会议员谴责政府腐败。The congressman laced into the government for being corrupt.

联系总统和国会议员并采取行动。Contact the President and your congressman and demand action.

这个丑闻缠身的国会议员成了他所在政党的累赘。The scandal-ridden congressman has become a drag on his party.

格尔曼先生在美国国会服务15任,共30年。Congressman Gilman served 15 terms, a total of 30 years in the U.

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这位议员很有经验,新闻记者无法从他口中套出任何新闻。The Congressman was too experienced to be milked by newspaper men.

穿着黑色衣服的进步国会谈员强调了他的不幸。The progressive congressman dressed in dark stressed his distress.

此议员被证明犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。The congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery.

谢谢你,先生。谢谢你。国会议员坦克雷多,让我们。Thank you, sir. Thank you. Congressman Tancredo, let us add to this.

众议院议员拉马.史密斯是提出声明的共和党成员之一。Congressman Lamar Smith was among Republicans making the allegation.

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父亲霍华德是一名股票经纪人,担任过四届美国国会议员。His father was a stockbroker and four-term United States congressman.

这个国会议员为了支持这个不受欢迎的法案而甘冒风险。The congressman stock his neck out to support this unpopular purpose.

议员的职务实则由几个不同的工作构成!The position of congressman truly constitutes several different jobs.