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现在他至少有一种伙伴为伍了。So at least he had a kind of companionship.

雷斯脱看出她非常需要伴儿。Lester saw that she needed companionship badly.

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他们在相恋六年后分手了。They bust up after six years of steady companionship.

他珍视他们为了留住青春,情谊和记忆所做的努力。He valued their grasps at youth, companionship and memory.

成熟的爱是以相守和相互看护的形式表现。Maturing love takes on the form of companionship and caregiving.

他自己去对角巷,不需要别人的帮助和陪同。He did not want help or companionship on his trip to Diagon Alley.

互相扶持仍是过分依靠,只在一念之间。There's a thin line between companionship and support and dependency.

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他在这个变化莫测的西部城市很少能找到意气相投的友情。He found very little congenial companionship in this casual Western city.

对于先辈们,他生起一种殊遇之情。Others had been before him-indeed he had a curious sense of companionship.

他的愿望——得到陪伴、清洗衣物——被抛在了脑后。His desires -- companionship and clean laundry -- are put on the back burner.

藉由火所带来的心灵平静与陪伴,可以进而振奋精神。It can be a psychological boost by providing peace of mind and companionship.

我们喜欢友谊给我们带来的冒险,安慰和陪伴。We enjoy the adventure, the comfort and the companionship that friendship offers.

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与他的交往使我能够摆脱掉我那缺乏自信的敏感。His companionship made it possible for me to shake off my shrinking sensitiveness.

依稀晨风,依稀暮光,掠过的总是有你的陪伴。Dimly morning breeze, faint twilight light, passing always have your companionship.

可以肯定的是,我们喜欢和丈夫孩子在一起,但是我们同样需要妇女联合会。Sure, we love to be with our men and our kids, but we also need women companionship.

当友好的小鲁拉想和人类交朋友时,人们觉得它既可爱又可怕。When the friendly orca seeks companionship from people, he becomes beloved and feared.

但是没有他们要看的电视节目的话,那些视电视为伴的人会十分难受。But people who watched for companionship were most distressed by the loss of their shows.

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她说“我感到更加精力充沛了,而且更不容易发怒了”,而且他也欣赏这样的伴侣。"I have more energy and I'm less moody, " she says, and he appreciates the companionship.

两个人的嗜好都多的惊人,食物,饮料,香烟,消遣,交际和性。Both had titanic appetites, for food, drink, cigarettes, diversion, companionship and sex.

当我们从一个团体或一种情境被摈斥出来的时候,我们仍旧能有一切存在的东西做侣伴。When we are cast from a group or a condition we have still the companionship of all that is.