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小熊脸。Bear face.

面子健忘症。Face amnesia.

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不要打脸!Not the face.

我有一张长脸。I have a face.

肥嘟嘟的大脸。Big plump face.

面对我,豪泽!Face me Hauser.

帕特做个鬼脸。Pat made a face.

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摸你的脸。Touch your face.

我的脸真红!Was my face red!

这次,是面部整容。A face this time.

面阔三间。Face width three.

您的脸是红的吗?Is your face red?

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看着他的脸。Look at his face.

我的脸是圆的。My face is round.

她的脸色白了。Her face whitened.

我的脸凹下去了。My face is dented.

这就是她的脸庞。This was her face.

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我今天气色好吗?Am I in face today?

他有一张和善的面庞。He has a kind face.

这个婴儿的衣服有酸味。He has a sour face.