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青花瓷笔纯陶瓷烧制的笔。Pure ceramic firing the pen.

引擎一直有逆火。The engine has been firing back.

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使得神经冲动得以快速传递It helps the firing work quicker.

蒸汽机车357号以木材为燃料升火鸣笛。SL 357 was firing by burning wood.

然后他们进入体育场射击。Then they entered the stadium firing.

再烧一遍就可出窑了。One more firing and they would be done.

枪炮声昨天傍晚逐渐停了。The firing petered out yesterday evening.

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酣畅淋漓的射击体验!Experience the sensation of firing wildly!

所以,她把枪里的撞针卸了出来。So she took the firing pin out of the gun.

他们鸣礼炮十响向女王致敬。They saluted the Queen by firing ten guns.

目前意大利和西班牙在最前线。Italy and Spain are now in the firing line.

妈妈,他们回把我放在战。斗最前线吗?。Mother will they put me in the firing line?

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螺栓的撞针在其体内精。The bolt has firing pin milled in its body.

他们鸣礼炮1000响欢迎女王。They saluted the Queen by firing 1000 guns.

雇佣和解雇工人变得严重政治化。Hiring and firing became heavily politicized.

他们一枪未放便把要塞丢了。They deserted the fort without firing a shot.

公开的绞刑和枪决在这里频频上演。Public hangings and firing squads were common.

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第一个是产生神经冲动的神经元数量The first one is the number of neurons firing.

迪丹吉听到枪声变得越来越零散。Dingee heard the firing becoming more sporadic.

在放枪前一定要仔细地瞄准。One must sight carefully before firing his gun.