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他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism.

一神教会为了适应数据而改变他们对于灵魂的看法吗?Will monotheistic religions change their idea of the soul to accommodate data?

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首先,它没有基督教和伊斯兰教之类的一神教那种咄咄逼人的进攻性。First, it lacks the aggressiveness of monotheistic religions like Christianity and Islam.

布什在他们的任期内也同样充当其他宗教信仰的普世价值。Bush were equally ecumenical regarding the other monotheistic faiths during their tenures.

但你却崇信一神论?你的世界里容不下另一位上帝。And yet you believe in a monotheistic universe? No room for one than one god in your world.

但它们都源于希腊与罗马文明,以及一神论的基督教。But they have common antecedents in Greek and Roman civilisation and monotheistic Christianity.

世界两大一神论宗教--犹太教和伊斯兰教--都禁食猪肉。Two of the world’s great monotheistic religions — Judaism and Islam — prohibit their consumption.

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我个人认为首先是由于它是一神教,其性质与中国的传统格格不入。Personally I think the first reason is the monotheistic nature running counter to Chinese tradition.

正因为如此,耶路撒冷会重塑其声望,被后人奉为三大宗教的圣城。Jerusalem would come to be recast, in all three major monotheistic religions, as a city of a godly significance.

那种混乱就是为什麽穆斯林会认为基督教是一种多神教的信仰,当它实际上是一种一神论的信仰。That confusion is why Muslims think that Christianity is a polytheistic faith when it is in fact a monotheistic faith.

相反,作者声称,古兰经是采用一种修辞战略,这是非常常见的一神论传统。Rather, the author claims, the Qur'an is adopting a rhetorical stratagem that is very common to monotheistic traditions.

在单神论的含义里,词语自然的意指按照上帝的旨意或按照上帝的自然法则。The word natural , in the monotheistic sense, means in accordance with Gods design or in accordance with Gods natural law.

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在一神教的基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教的来临,只限制了对土星至神秘圆圈的崇拜。The advent of the monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam confined the worship of Saturn to occult circles.

现代世界的学者是趋向于把这种信仰的焦点定位在一神论宗教的传统文献上。Scholars in the modern world have tended to locate the focus of this faith tradition in the context of monotheistic religions.

一神思想不等于一神宗教,思想是概念运动,宗教则是信仰运动。Monotheistic thought is not equal to monotheistic religion. Thought is the movement of conception while religion is that of faith.

一种一神教,其特征是接受服从上帝和穆罕默德的教义,并认后者为上帝主要的同时也是最后一个先知。A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and Mohammed as the chief and last prophet of God.

伊斯兰教是一种一神教亚伯拉罕宗教的教义来自伊斯兰先知穆罕默德,七分之一世纪阿拉伯宗教和政治人物。Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating with the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, a seventh century Arab religious and political figure.

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但是这番言论似乎没有多大影响,它既没有被一神教所吸收,也没有被认为是中心自然真理,取而代之胜出的是柏拉图的理想主义,可能是因为这个看起来更神神叨叨。It wasn’t adopted by monotheistic religions or held up as a central natural truth. Instead, pure Platonic ideals won out, perhaps because they seemed more divine.

伊斯兰教全一神论宗教的特点是接受的学说提交给上帝,穆罕默德作为行政和最后的先知。Islam all the characteristics of monotheistic religions is the acceptance "of" the principle of submission to God, "and" as the Prophet Mohammed, Chairman and past.

其他命名的印度教,正如随后所述的,并不严格地持有这种信仰,更加接近于西方理解的一神论信仰。Other denominations of Hinduism, as described later, don't hold this belief strictly and more closely adhere to a Western perception of what a monotheistic faith is.