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目前已知的在亚拉姆语中仅有一例。There's only one other known example in Aramaic.

司提反是希伯来语还是亚拉姆语名字?Hmmm.Stephen,is that a good Hebrew or Aramaic name?

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他认为,这是一个简短的形式,杰罗姆的阿拉姆语文字。He thinks that it is a briefer form of Jerome's Aramaic text.

尼姆的嘴唇无声地动着,结结巴巴地背着古老的亚拉姆语的词句。Nim's lips moved silently, stumbling over the ancient Aramaic words.

尼姆的嘴唇无声地动著,结结巴巴地背著古老的亚拉姆语的词句。Nim's lips moved silently, stumbling over the ancient aramaic words.

尽管亚述人改用亚拉姆语,可它还没有被大规模翻译。Although Assyrians switched to Aramaic , it was not wholesale transplantation.

公元前752年期间,亚拉姆语成为了亚述帝国的第二官方语言。Aramaic was made the second official language of the Assyrian empire in 752 B.

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设计师冲着我作了个古怪的表情,好像我突然改口说写犹太经文的阿拉米语似的。The designer gave me this odd look as if I had suddenly begun speaking Aramaic.

通讯社声称,一些史前古器物含有用古亚拉姆语提的碑铭。Some of the artifacts contained inscriptions in the ancient Aramaic language, it said.

古典希伯来字母也称阿拉米字母,其中典型的例子是摩押石板。This is also called early Aramaic Script. The key extant example is the Moabite Stone.

因此,我们知道耶稣,还有他的门徒和同时代的人,都是用亚拉姆语来说和写。Therefore, we know that Jesus, his disciples and contemporaries spoke and wrote in Aramaic.

阿拉姆语是闪族语,从公元前539年-公元后70年都作为以色列的日常用语。Aramaic is a semitic language and it was the day-to-day language of Israel from 539 BC – 70 AD.

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圣经里的一些经文,如但以理书,就是用亚兰文写的。Some of the scriptures in the Bible, such as the Book of Daniel, is to use text written in Aramaic.

“犹太”骨瓮的亚拉姆语铭文似乎主要是警告,提醒“不要打开它”。The Aramaic inscriptions on the "Jewish" ossuaries seem to be mainly warnings, advising "Do not open it.

圣经中很大篇幅都是用希伯来文写的,所以叫,希伯来圣经,还有一些篇章用的是亚兰姆语写的。The Bible is written largely in Hebrew, hence the name Hebrew Bible.There are a few passages in Aramaic.

所以他的真名叫犹太或犹大,低土马以及,多马是其昵称,一个为希腊语,一个为闪语或亚兰语。His real name is Judah or Judas and Didymus, and Thomas are his nicknames, one Greek and one Semitic or Aramaic.

居住在郊外乡村的人们,可能不说希腊语,可能说希伯来语,亚拉姆语。Yes,if you lived in a village or out in the country you you may not have spoken Greek, you may have spoken Hebrew or Aramaic.

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为了证明这一点,他翻开希腊语、希伯来语和亚拉姆语的不同圣经版本,展示那些被修改的地方。He proceeded to prove this by taking the Bible from its sources in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic and show where they were changed.

古老的阿拉姆语是指语言的阿拉姆人,其中发达国家和扩散到邻国的身边。Ancient Aramaic refers to the language of the Aramaeans, which developed and spread through the neighbouring states around them.

官方远距离通讯用阿拉姆语写成,穿越帝国送到目的地后再转译阿拉姆语。Official long-distance communications were written in Aramaic, sent across the empire and then translated from Aramaic upon arrival.