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她在我们会所的儿童乐园里。She's in the Children's Center of our clubhouse.

溱乔住客会所是一座小型的公共建筑。The Giverny Clubhouse is a very small but public building.

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1975年,战备军协的第一个俱乐部就设在这里。This is where SAFRA built its very first clubhouse in 1975.

我是在战备军人协会崭新的大巴窑俱乐部和大家讲话。I am speaking to you from the new SAFRA clubhouse in Toa Payoh.

从整体设计上讲,Clubhouse还不错。In terms of the overall design, the Clubhouse is quite well done.

我不会打高尔夫,因而在俱乐部觉得有些格格不入。As a non-golfer, I felt like a fish out of water at the clubhouse.

我只是坐在俱乐部里,看着他们都打出四个洞的循环。I just sat in the clubhouse and watched them all play the four-hole loop.

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我想跟金莺球员讨论关于他的事情,所以我前往球员休息室。I wanted to talk to an Orioles hitter about him, so I went to the home clubhouse.

配套设施会所内有游泳池,健身房,图书馆,咖啡间,洗衣间和美发室。The clubhouse with a swimming pool, gym, library, coffee house, laundry, hair salon.

安徽会馆原为李鸿章所建,是当时淮军集团的重要聚会场所。Anhui original clubhouse built for Li Hongzhang, was an important gathering place Huaijun groups.

这意味着任何一个刚加入会所的人都可以主持晨会或下午会议。This means a person who just joined the clubhouse is enabled to run morning or afternoon meetings.

对面的葡京一比照,简直一个是茶餐厅,一个是五星级会所。Compared with the Lisboa Hotel opposite, one is like a coffee diner, the other a five-star clubhouse.

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这个团对率先开始发展健康事业和对俱乐部会员开展教育工作。The team spearheading the program developed health fairs and educational events for Clubhouse members.

选定费伦局提供新的对应的历史性常春藤覆盖会所是一个私人俱乐部的成员。The members of a private club selected Fearon Hay to provide a new counterpart to the historic ivy covered clubhouse.

会所是为特定人群服务的,是为了让这些特定人群能够在特定空间中得到享受与满足。Clubhouse serves a particular group of people so that they can obtain enjoyment and satisfaction in a particular space.

具有装饰艺术特色的精致雕塑,体现了广场和会所空间的品质感和档次感。The Art Deco-style delicate sculpture indicates the fine quality and valued sense of the plaza and the clubhouse space.

他帮助创立了中心内部一个小型音乐俱乐部,在“蓝山男孩女孩社团”的音乐俱乐部迅速发展起来。He helped create a small music club within the center. The Music Clubhouse at the Blue Hill Boys and Girls Club quickly grew.

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在远处是一个俱乐部而且站在俱乐部前面的都是他的朋友和以前与他一起工作过的政客。In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

更具中国篮协规定,中国球员参加选秀必须获得俱乐部和CBA管理机构的同意。According to the documents of Chinese Basketball Association, there must be consent approval from both the clubhouse and the CBA.

他让孩子们在本垒后面站上一站,又带他们到队员休息处看看,然后同他们一起走过内部专用的通道去到俱乐部会所。He let them stand behind home plate. He took them into the team dugouts. He walked them through the private passage to the clubhouse.