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贵族阶层过着骄奢淫逸的生活。The nobility led voluptuous lives.

好消息是你感觉自己十分有情欲。The good news is you’ll feel quite voluptuous.

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这位西班牙出生的明星以其丰满性感的身材而闻名。The Spanish born star is known for her voluptuous figure.

一个美丽性感的女人看妇科医生。A beautiful, voluptuous woman goes to see a gynaecologist.

这时外面下起了大雨。And in the meantime the rain had become a voluptuous shower.

卢库勒斯在骄奢淫逸、富丽堂皇中度过了他剩下的时日。Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence.

现今,妖艳的女演员似乎很吃香。Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be very popular.

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利比亚领导卡扎菲跟乌克兰一位金发碧眼的性感护士一同外出旅行过。Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi travels with a "voluptuous blonde" Ukrainian nurse.

尽管没有华丽和成熟的特性,但此酒显现的非常的精细和集中。Despite the ripeness and voluptuous personality, this wine is precise and focused.

冲了澡之后人又变得干干净净,感觉太棒了。There was an almost voluptuous feeling to being clean again after having had a shower.

她有着非常结实的、女性的躯体,比我所喜欢和观看到过的那些女孩子们更加性感迷人。She had a very strong, feminine body, more voluptuous than the girls I liked and watched.

那些黑色的东方眼睛,他想,它们充满了怎样的激情,怎样的撩人的欲望啊!Those dark Oriental eyes, he thought, how full they are of passion, of voluptuous longing!

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有时,那真是一种奇特的对比,额头高洁而笑容富于肉感。At certain moments, that pure brow and that voluptuous smile presented a singular contrast.

勃拉什维尔自诩多情地微笑了一下,正如一个自尊心获得极端满足而感到舒服的人一样。Blachevelle smiled with the voluptuous self-conceit of a man who is. tickled in his. self-love.

现今,妖艳的女演员似乎比智慧型的女演员吃香。Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look.

她艳丽的形象非常诱人,还有着独特的温柔嗓音和撩人的身段。Her flamboyant image was attractive and inviting. She had a distinctive soft voice and a voluptuous figure.

电影给人一种悲愤之中的妖艳之感,这就写作技巧被人们称为“狄更斯式的风格”。There is something voluptuous in the rage inspired by the kind of meanness we are used to calling Dickensian.

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是的,每咬一口柔滑的烤蔬菜和耐嚼的比萨皮,我饥饿的灵魂都几乎尖叫,真的是这样。Yes, my starving soul nearly screamed with each voluptuous bite of silky roasted vegetables and chewy crust, yes.

酒质非凡,醇厚而充满力量,果香纯粹,强烈的单宁几乎被丰饶华丽的回味所覆盖。Fabulous texture, full-bodied power, pure fruit, and an opulent, voluptuous finish nearly conceal significant tannin.

日出的光芒,像一条艳丽的红纱巾,在苍茫的宇宙间轻轻浮动。The radiance of sunrise, like a strip of voluptuous red gauze headscarf, floated and drifted in indistinct outer space.