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我问玛丽,似乎如梦初醒。I asked Mary, coming out of my reverie.

他微微一笑,顿生遐想。He was in reverie immediately with smile.

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妳是我的真命天女,妳分享我的梦想。You are my destiny. You share my reverie.

爱情,在静穆中生长,又在遐想中浓郁。Love grows in reticence and matures in reverie.

错落小岛,迫人遐想无穷。Scattered islands, forcing people endless reverie.

门一开就把她从幻想中惊醒。She was jolted out of her reverie as the door opened.

然后,汽笛一声长鸣把我从沉思中拉回。Then a long blast of the hooter woke me from my reverie.

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一只山鸟的晚歌打断了他的遐想。A blackbird broke in on his reverie with an evening song.

简而言之,沉思是母亲阿尔法功能的一个因素。In short, reverie is a factor of the mother"s alpha-function."

他深深陷入幻想,连门铃声都没听见。He WAS so lost in reverie that he did not hear the doorBell ring.

而自己常卧于舟中,陷入深深地遐想。Rousseau would lie down in the boat and plunge into a deep reverie.

开始素描或者开始一幅水彩画,我的想象开始飞翔。I would begin a sketch or watercolor and fall into a waking reverie.

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一个老农站在我们前面,斜歪着头沉浸在思绪中。An older farmer sitting in front of us titled back his head in reverie.

这之后他落入遐想,沉思地缓缓喷出雪茄的烟来。He fell into a reverie after this, and puffed meditatively at his cigar.

加斯东•巴什拉的梦想理论具有丰富的理论内涵和精神价值。Bachelard's reverie theories have many rich meanings and spiritual value.

一个声音撕裂了战场上方的空气,把我从悲伤的思绪中惊醒。A noise rips through the air above the field, jolting me from my melancholy reverie.

迅速地从这个短暂的过失恢复回来,霎那间的过失,一个感官的遐想。She quickly recovers from this brief lapse, a momentary lapse, into sensual reverie.

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阿牛,我来了。来到这个曾经留给我无数遐想和快乐的小站。Annubar, I have come. I have left to come to the numerous stations and happy reverie.

“嗯,”我回答道,寻找着遗忘在熟悉的马里奥遐想中的东西。“Um, ” I reply, searching for something I may be missing in my familiar Mario reverie.

夜晚,头戴薰衣草眼罩,眼前一片非常黑,引诱我进入安眠的迷迷茫茫。At night, a lavender-filled eye pillow darkened my view and lulled me into hypnotic reverie.