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教育强市。Education Strong City.

那就是网上教育。That is online education.

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我们都重视教育。All of us value education.

这是素质教育吗?Is it a quality education?

什么是“工合”教育?。What is Gung Ho Education?

挽救之道在于教育。The cure lies in education.

他献身于教育事业。He weds himself to education.

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但是网络课堂就不会这样。Not with an online education.

我有大学文凭。S-I have a college education.

这本书专论教育。This book is about education.

你教育程度系乜呢?。What is your education level?

你好,高教出版社。Hello. Higher Education Press.

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我有音乐教育的学士学位。I have B.S. in music education.

关于教育的最后一点。One last point about education.

企业高等教育论坛。Business-Higher Education Forum.

我有音乐教育的学士学位。I have B. S. in music education.

你是几乎没受过教育。You’ve practically no education.

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加上公立教育是全免费。Add all public education is free.

重视职业教育。Emphasis on vocational education.

多功能工具是一个设计教育。A multitool is a design education.