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关键性转折始于09年中期。A pivotal turn began midyear.

至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。The pivotal circular is a dud.

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我们已到达一个关键时刻。We have reached a pivotal moment.

爱在生活之外扮演了一个关键的角色。Love plays a pivotal role on our life.

今年是中法关系继往开来的一年。This year is pivotal to China-France relations.

但是转换全局的战略方针,必然要是运动战。But the pivotal strategy must be mobile warfare.

人类在它在一个枢轴的点站是存在。Humanity stands at a pivotal point in it's existence.

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这次迁厂是丰田在美国创造神话的关键。The move was pivotal to the story of Toyota in America.

某个关键的人生决策已等候多时了。Certain pivotal life decisions have been waiting for ages.

如何分摊所削减的产量将是决定的关键细节所在。Deciding on how to divvy up the output cuts is a pivotal detail.

泰勒记叙了中国内战中的一个关键时刻。Mr Taylor recounts one of the pivotal moments in China’s civil war.

坡折带是沉积地貌突变的古构造枢纽带。The slope-break zone is a pivotal zone of depositional physiognomy.

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下托是海马结构的主要输出结构。The subiculum is the pivotal output region of hippocampal formation.

有一个博物馆用实景模型突出刻画了纳扎尔巴耶夫生命中的关键性事件。A museum features dioramas of pivotal moments in Mr. Nazarbayev’s life.

现在中国正处在这样一个关键时刻,历史的新起点。China meet a pivotal time now. It's a new jumping-off point of history.

高压直流输电系统中最关键的部分是控制保护部分。Control and protect section is the most pivotal section in HVDC system.

数据库集成是分布式环境中的一项关键技术。Database Integ ration is a pivotal technology in distributed computing.

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艾里·勒琼成为复兴法裔美国人音乐的关键人物。Iry Lejeune became a pivotal figure in the revitalization of Cajun music.

CAK因为在细胞周期过程中的重要作用,而受到越来越广泛的关注。Because of pivotal function of CAK in cell cycle, broad attention has arisen.

师资队伍建设是学科建设的关键问题。Constructing the troops of teacher is a pivotal matter of subject construction.