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老想着钱是很俗气的。Worrying about money is tacky.

用劣质材料做的小盒子。Little boxes made of ticky tacky.

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她穿那件衣服看起来俗不可耐。She looks really tacky in that dress.

门上的油漆还没有干透。The paint on the door is still tacky.

那个塑胶项链有点俗不可耐。That plastic necklace is kind of tacky.

在内胎上涂抹胶水并让它发粘。Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky.

关于他的爱情生活,他们散播了许多不堪的闲言闲语。They spread a lot of tacky gossip about his love life.

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无论如何,我不想穿你那寒酸的绿色礼服,小气鬼!I didn't want to wear your tacky green dress anyhow , stingy!

住在用廉价材料制成的盒子里,看上去一个样子。In boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.

过于复杂的HUD与看起来黏胡胡的选单…过时了。The overly busy HUD and tacky looking menus seem out of date.

在压膜前是否有粘尘滚轮清洁机器?Are there tacky roller clean machines in front of the laminator?

对!那次万圣节,你非让我穿那件难看得要命的法国女仆装!I made you wear that tacky French maid costume to my friend's party!

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那次万圣节,你非让我穿那件难看得要命的法国女仆装!I made you wear that tacky French maid costume to my friend’s party!

它们全都用廉价材料制成,看上去一个样子。And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.

对!那次万圣节,你非让我穿那件难看得要命的法国女仆装!Halloween? I made you wear that tacky French maid costume to my friend's party!

不管这些循环使用的勺子制造物是俗气的还是灵巧的,都由你决定。Whether these recycled spoon creations are tacky or clever is up to you to decide.

通常潮湿和粘性的微细颗粒易于聚集和结块。In general fine particles tend to clump and agglomerate if they are moist or tacky.

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通常,潮湿和粘性的微细颗粒易于聚集结块。In general, fine particles tend to clump and agglomerate if they are moist or tacky.

产生粘性的原因是壳聚糖,一种高粘性的生物聚合物物。The stickiness is caused by chitosan, abiopolymer that is highly adhesive and tacky.

我非常不喜欢大红大绿,总觉得那是一种俗气的妖艳。I do not like the bright red green, and always felt it was kind of tacky to flirtatious.