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一句话,分清主次。In a word, prioritize.

列出优先考虑的内容,分清主次。In a list, prioritize the content

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这会帮你为人生分清主次。This will help prioritize your life.

优先考虑和计划你想要什么。Prioritize and plan for what you want.

已有决定工作单的优先次序的系统。A system is in place to prioritize work orders.

一旦你划定了优先级,再来看你的选择。Once you prioritize this, look at your choices.

生意人是利字当头。Business people prioritize profit above all else.

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用二八法则来区分生活的优先级。Within this, prioritize life. What is required of me?

首先它将帮你把一天的待办事项划分优先等级。Well, first of all it will help you prioritize your day.

你要谈到的是,你知道,你能够合理统筹,顾全大局。You talk about, you know, being able to prioritize and manage.

一旦你理解的问题的根本原因,你就需要排出优先级。Once you understand the root causes, you need to prioritize them.

每个人都应该找时间独处,理出优先顺序和静思。Everyone shall take time to is alone , to prioritize and meditate.

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能有效安排工作的优先级,能够承受压力解决问题。Ableto prioritize work, and solve problems in stressful situations.

你是如何确定哪些东西应该优先考虑放进来或剔除出去的呢?How did you prioritize what you were going to include or leave out?

价值怎样衡量,你怎样根据它给需求设定优先级?How do I measure it and how do you prioritize requirements by value?

主要内容和号召行为优先于其他所有事情的。Prioritize content and call-to-action elements over everything else.

优先重新编写将经历转换的应用程序。Prioritize the applications that will go through the transformation.

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试着将所面临的困难“划分”、“优先”。Try to compartmentalize and prioritize the challenges you are facing.

先把你真的想要见到的人和想做的事排成顺序。Prioritize those people and things that you want to really come first.

做出一份个人品牌特征清单,按优先次序将它们排好。Generate a list of personal brand attributes, and then prioritize them.