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但是专业化也有其优势。But specialisation has its advantages as well.

作为有效的套期保值手段,合约交换需要有一定程度的特化。To be useful hedges , swaps need to have a degree of specialisation.

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执迷于术业专攻的风险在于,如果那个行业消亡,你该怎么办?The danger of obsessive specialisation is that if that field dies, where do you go?

由于它还拥有多种专业性的模组,可以针对不同的行销阶段进行高度专门化的处理。Thanks to various Pro modules, a high degree of specialisation in different market segments is possible.

这些激情洋溢的字句以及放浪形骸的学者气质生动说明了专业科学工作者的价值。These words of enthusiastic and unchecked scholarship make plain the price of scientific specialisation.

他们通过轮换工作来避免专业化和等级制度,这样人人都可从事较有创造性的工作。They avoid specialisation and hierarchy by rotating the fobs so that everyone works at the more creative ones.

所有要在Audencia读博士学位的人都必须要有管理专业方面的硕士学位。All those wishing to follow a Doctorate at Audencia must have a Masters degree with a specialisation in management.

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如果IT系统真能让公司变得更加模块化更加灵活,就应该会增进进一步的专业化。If IT systems really allow companies to become more modular and flexible, this should foster further specialisation.

表观遗传标记,例如组蛋白修饰,对于机体细胞的分化也很重要。Epigenetic marks, such as the modifications of the histones, are also important for the specialisation of the body's cells.

本专科学生承诺获得上级的决策和解决问题在财务管理方面的技能。Students undertaking this specialisation gain superior decision-making and problem-solving skills in the field of financial management.

科学加速迈向更专业化复杂化的需要正变的越来越迫切,即使是发展中国家也不例外。The need is becoming increasingly urgent as science accelerates towards greater specialisation and complexity, even in the developing world.

此模式的特殊专门化模式将为来自各种传感器、执行器和适配器的数据提供入口点。A particular specialisation of this pattern would be the provision of entry points for data from a variety of sensors, actuators and adapters.

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过度的学科分类、专业化蒙蔽了理论家们的视界。他们只看到世界之一部,看不到全部。Increased differentiation and specialisation creates an ever greater blindness amongst theorists about the dynamics for change that exist within the totality.

正是新时期时代发展起来的特殊化过程让我们同今天赖以生存的生产几乎彻底分离开来。The specialisation that first developed in the neolithic period has led to our almost complete dissociation from the means of production on which we now rely.

作为第一步,我们现正安排更多机会让年青的同事取得出庭讼辩的经验,并已精简各分科的职务,以确保各分科的职务更专门化和更有效率。As a first step, young counsel are being given more exposure to trial advocacy and sub-divisions have been streamlined to ensure greater specialisation and efficiency.

但是,由于各地区会有不同的得失,如果增加的附聚作用很大的话,就会对不能同时兼顾的因素进行各种权衡,虽然迄今为止还鲜有扩大专业化的证据。However, trade offs can arise if agglomeration gains are large as some regions will win and some will lose, although there is little evidence for increased specialisation so far.

基于社会分工基础上的农业和现代城市的崛起,使得最聪明的人集中精力去做他们各自的科学、艺术和其它领域的工作。The rise of agriculture and modern cities based on economic specialisation has allowed the very brightest people to focus their efforts on the sciences, the arts and other fields.