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这种关系是开放的,劝说是渐进性的和系统性的。The relationship was open, and the suasion was gradual and systemic.

西曼斯基有理由希望,居高临下的一点道德说教就足够了。Szymanski holds out hope that a bit of moral suasion from high places would suffice.

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现在我们必须号召我们所有的力量和道义劝说,迎接新时代的挑战。Now we must summon all of our might and moral suasion to meet the challenges of a new age.

这种道义劝告的确能产生立竿见影的效果,而且可以已经产生了效果。This kind of moral suasion does produce immediate results, and it may already be under way.

倘若联储主席进行道德劝说,我们不信会没有效果。It is difficult to believe that recourse to moral suasion by a Fed chairman would be ineffective.

中国官僚难道是特别容易受到这类劝告影响的亚种人?Are Chinese bureaucrats some subspecies of human being uniquely susceptible to this sort of suasion?

若美国不顾道义,安提瓜称其会考虑从事些音乐软件的翻版事业,此类报复是WTO规则所允许的。If moral suasion fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retaliation permitted by WTO rules.

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然而我们依然是为争取自由而战的崇高使命的继承者,我们必须召唤我们所有的力量和道义的呼声应对新时代的各种挑战。Yet we are still heirs to a noble struggle for freedom. And now we must summon all of our might and moral suasion to meet the challenges of a new age.

要知道儒家思想可能会限制一些统治者,但这些限制只是局限于宗教思想的道德引导方面,对独立的法律制度没有作用。Confucianism may have restrained some rulers, but the restraint rested purely on the moral suasion of a religious idea, not on independent legal principle.

当像法国这样的国家对理想主义政策没有什么兴趣时,正如它最近表现的那样,这个时候就要用现实的事务对其施压或是诱惑。And when countries such as France felt that the soft suasion of idealism was lacking, as has recently been the case, it proved harder to attract them to a cause.

美国官方指出该协议如今并没有什么威慑力而且道义方面的劝说也不能阻止捕鲸国越来越多地猎杀鲸鱼。American officials point out that the moratorium as it stands now has no teeth and that moral suasion hasn't stopped whaling nations from hunting in greater and greater numbers.