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另外请读约翰福音17章大祭司的祷告。Also read the high Priestly prayer in John 17.

大理石贤者身份神圣并且拥有祭司的权力。Marble Oracles have priestly powers and are sacred.

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此节在所谓「大司祭的祈祷」内。The verse is found in Jesus' High- priestly prayer.

所以如此,是因为当时在希腊没有宏大的僧侣经院。This was so because there were no great priestly schools in greece.

祭司相关内容的主要观点和主题是什么?What are the key ideas and the key themes of the Priestly material?

他们在教堂里,传道、穿牧师的制服、或望弥撒。In church, they preach, wear their priestly vestments or conduct Mass.

他们在教堂里,只传道,穿牧师的制服、或望弥撒。In church, they preach, wear their priestly vestments or conduct Mass.

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此外,茨温利结婚,从而打破了祭司立下的独身。Moreover, Zwingli married and thus broke his priestly vow of celibacy.

他剃了头,穿上僧袍,拄着香客用的拐杖。He shaved his head, wore a priestly robe and carried a pilgrim's staff.

一如历代志和以斯拉二书,尼希米也强调祭司职。Like the books of Chronicles and Ezra, Nehemiah has a priestly emphasis.

米底亚人与波斯人由强势教士部族梅格斯所统治。The Medes and Persians were dominated by a powerful priestly tribe, the magi.

想一想圣经中最早的创世故事,它是祭司的创世故事。Think back to the first creation story, which is the Priestly creation story.

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因为在当时王并没有被允许可以承接祭司的职分来献祭。Kings were not permitted to function in a priestly role in offering sacrifices.

耶稣并非属于作祭司的利未支派,祂是生于作王的犹大支派。Jesus was not born into the tribe of Levi which was the priestly tribe of Israel.

只有作为印度教最高种姓的婆罗门才能够触摸它们,就连蛇褪下的皮也受到保护。Only Brahmins -- members of Hinduism's priestly caste -- are allowed to touch them.

你们将回顾,祭司的对于神的概念,是一个不朽且无性的存在。The Priestly conception of god, you will recall, is of an immortal and asexual being.

同时它们也将古老的,宗教崇拜传统和祭司传统保留了下来。But they certainly often preserve older cultic traditions and priestly traditions as well.

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单是看它的书名「利未记」,就知道它的内容与作祭司的利未支派有关。The name 'Leviticus' means the things which had to do with the Levites, the priestly tribe.

传统上,婆罗门,或称僧侣阶级,处于社会金字塔的顶端。Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class, are set at the top of the social pyramid.

你们手上也有一份神圣性的同心圆,描绘了祭司体系中对于时间神圣性的概念。You have similar concentric circles of holiness characterizing the priestly conception of time.