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职业规划用了矛盾修辞。Career planning is an oxymoron.

群众的智慧是无穷尽的。The wisdom of crowds isn't an oxymoron.

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“私生的仙女”也许应该被定义为一种矛盾。The Bastard Fairies could be termed an oxymoron.

这就是为什么“成功的完美主义者”是一个矛盾体。That's why "successful perfectionist" is an oxymoron.

“快速而拙劣”这个词是自相矛盾的,拙劣总是意味着慢。quick-and-dirty is an oxymoron. Dirty always means slow.

即便是亚洲美男子这一概念也成为一种矛盾的修饰方式。Even the concept of a beautiful Asian man became an oxymoron.

听起来有点矛盾,但钱有它自己的阿基里斯定律。It may sound like an oxymoron but money has its Achilles’ heel.

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在此之前,oxymoron是一个技术术语,用来描述一种夸张的装置。Before that oxymoron was a technical term describing a rhetorical device.

我们几年前创造了"精密宇宙学"这个词,以前它就是一个矛盾。The term that we coined a few years ago, precision cosmology, used to be an oxymoron.

类似地,对一个相信有绝对真主的主流穆斯林来说这也不存在矛盾含混。Similarly, it is not an oxymoron to be a mainstream Muslim who believes in an Absolute.

他们推出来的项链手链系列告诉人们,唯美和刚硬这对反义词也可以共存。Their line of necklaces and bracelets show that “delicately durable” isn’t an oxymoron.

矛盾修饰法是指措辞上的矛盾,比如“工业园”或“圣战”或“特大小虾”。An oxymoron is a contradiction in terms, like “industrial park” or “holy war” or “jumbo shrimp.”

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心理学上来说,矛盾修辞法是利用读者的逆反心理,对事物的好奇心吸引读者。Then, from psychological point of view, oxymoron makes use of readers' reverse psychology to attract them.

矛盾辞格产生机制时,已经超越了词的层次,进入了话语语境层次。In the course of forming its own mechanism, oxymoron comes into a new layer of meaning-context of utterance.

最可能,这将可能使潜在的优秀货币遭到摧残,如果这个申明不像它表面上的那样矛盾。Most likely, it's damaged for good as a potential currency with any real value, if that statement isn't an oxymoron on its face.

你在你的主持幸福,浪漫,休闲屋土星,督促工作的行星,但这是一个占星矛盾。You hosted Saturn, the taskmaster planet, in your house of happiness, romance, and leisure, but that's an astrological oxymoron.

然而批评者说,“清洁煤”只是一种幻想,由于二氧化碳的排放是引起气候变化的关键,因此“清洁煤”是一个自相矛盾的概念。But critics say that “clean coal” is a pipe dream, an oxymoron in terms of the carbon emissions that count most toward climate change.

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矛盾修饰法作为措辞上的一种矛盾,直至1902年才出现,当时,努力学着变懒的人据说是活生生的矛盾修饰法的例子。Oxymoron as a contradiction in terms didn’t show up until 1902 when someone who worked hard at being lazy was said to be a living oxymoron.

也许你觉得“敏锐的愚蠢”本身就是一种矛盾修饰法,不过这个定义对于发现oxymoron的语源大有帮助。You might think that being subtly foolish is an oxymoron in itself, yet this definition goes a long way to uncover the etymology of oxymoron.

他讲那种在科学上已被证实的说法实际上一种自我矛盾的措辞,科学的根本基础就是对怀疑敞开大门。He said that the idea of something being "scientifically proven" was practically an oxymoron and that the very foundation of science is to keep the door open to doubt.