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钉子钉进去了。The nail is in.

锤子与钉子?Hammer and nail?

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我把钉子敲了出来。I knocked the nail out.

她的衣服被钉子挂住了。Her dress caught on nail.

真是一场精彩的比赛。It was a real nail biter.

钉子把她的大衣挂住了。The nail caught her coat.

我又要开始咬指甲了。Let the nail biting begin.

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我的衣服被钉子挂住了。My dress hitched ona nail.

人的裙女被钉女钩住了。My skirt caught on a nail.

钉子钩住了她的衣服。The nail caught her dress.

这钉子未钉牢。The nail doesn't fix fast.

指甲长进肉里了。The nail grows into flesh.

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他的上衣被钉子钩住了。His coat hitched on a nail.

我把钉子钉进去了。I hammered the big nail in.

我的大衣被钉子钩住了。My coat caught on the nail.

他们一九八五年结婚。My dress hitched on a nail.

而且为什么只是小指头的指甲?And why just the pinky nail?

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她的大衣被钉子钩住了。Her coat caught on the nail.

我的衣服被一根钉子挂住了。I caught my dress on a nail.

钉子挂住了我的裤子。The nail caught my trousers.