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一位记者在电台对那件事做了报告。A reporter voiced the story.

朱哈妮由考特尼·泰勒配音。Juhani was voiced by Courtenay Taylor.

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他们对这项计划表示赞成。They voiced their approval of the plan.

为泰—森配音的是迪伊·布拉德利·贝克。Thi-Sen was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

第三,他们是浊辅音。Thirdly, they are both voiced consonants.

几乎一点点关心也未曾表示过。Hardly a whisper of concern has been voiced.

辅音可发声也可不发声。A consonant can either be unvoiced or voiced.

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第一个模组里的几乎所有对话都配过了音。Most of the dialog in the first module is voiced.

在游戏中,HK-47由克里斯托弗•塔伯瑞配音。In the game, HK-47 was voiced by Kristoffer Tabori.

在游戏中,演员尼克·詹姆森为凯尔配音。In the game, Kyle was voiced by actor Nick Jameson.

杰里·韦斯特经常吐露出对科比的钦佩。Jerry West has often voiced his admiration for him.

乔利·宾多由凯文·迈克尔·理查森配音。Jolee Bindo was voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson.

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大概有4万7千多行对话是有语音的。There's approximately 47.000 lines of voiced dialogue.

同样地,所有英语元音和双元音都是发声的。Also, all vowel and diphthong sounds in English are voiced.

天野之弥对伊朗的核活动也表示关切。Amano also voiced concerns about Iran's nuclear activities.

44岁的选民苏卡瓦纳表达了对选举的不满。Lwan Sukawana, 44, voiced his complaint about the election.

浊子音发音时有声带振动,清子音没有。All voiced consonants are produced with vocal-cord vibration.

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奥巴马表达通过表达这个愿望重建跟中东国家的关系。Obama voiced the wish to reset relations with the Middle East.

在发浊辅音时,声带要震动。When we pronounce voiced consonants, the vocal chords vibrate.

我模仿着他们的命令,发出他们痛苦的声音。I voiced their commands and made the sounds of their suffering.