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这是一种典型的转移注意力的做法。It's a classic diversionary tactic.

高粮产地,牵制性战斗。High grain region, diversionary battle.

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诺曼底登陆只是声东击西的阳动。The landing in Normandy is merely a diversionary maneuver.

我的绘画企图,我画我的妻子,把我的画拿给她分散她的视线。I painted my wife's portrait and I gave her the paint as a diversionary tactic.

买卖双方在信用评级问题上互相牵制,剑拔弩张。Buyers and sellers is mutual on credit grade issue diversionary , at swords' points.

我们将向沙兰公路发起进攻,以转移他们的注意力,这就够他们忙一阵了。We'll keep them busy by launching a diversionary assault against the Salang Highway.

为了牵制维德,让其他人逃脱,克诺比牺牲了自己。As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself to Vader.

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但总司令龙德施泰特却认为这是盟军声东击西的手法,并不在意。But the commander-in-chief Rundstedt think this is the Allied diversionary tactics, and do not care.

男人常常娶的并非心目中的最爱,而是用上床来牵制他们的女人。The man often marries in be not memory love most, come with go to bed however diversionary their woman.

在我们研究的所有在朝鲜的军事行动中,竟没有一个美国连队使用牵制火力的战例。In all the operations brought under study in Korea, there is not one example of an American company attempting to use diversionary fire.

所有非销售的行为都必须有销售支持人员或其它专门部门来处理。All non-sales activities or diversionary activities should be handled by Sales Support or other specialist departments whenever possible.

首先对三轴磁敏传感器转向误差进行了细致的分析与计算,提出了一种轴间正交化、调整灵敏度和减小零点漂移的转向误差模型。This phenomenon is called diversionary error. First of all, a careful analysis and calculation of diversionary error in triaxial magnetometers are taken.

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为了转移维德的注意力,让其他人逃离,肯诺比牺牲了他自己,成为了原力的一部份。As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself to Vader. The Dark Lord struck the Jedi down, and Kenobi became one with the Force.

这种稍微脱离主题的小小策略将让哈利对自己的未来有了希望,也可以让我们读者对三人组今后可能走的职业道路有所了解。This small diversionary tactic will give Harry some hope for his future and a good opportunity for us, the readers, to learn of the trio's possible career paths.

伍德拉夫正是运用了声东击西之计,名为爱国爱和平,实则是借战争提高产品的知名度拓销路。Woodruff is the use of diversionary measure, known as loving the motherland and peace, but in reality is to take the war to raise the visibility of product sales Billiton.

这个时候,袁绍才发现是上当了,中了声东击西、调虎离山之计,然后却派刘备和文丑转过来拦截曹操。This time, Yuan Shao was found to be fooled, and in a diversionary , lure the enemy away from the tax increase, and then sent Liu Bei and Cao Cao Civilian clown turn interception.

但是从地缘政治上讲,中国是一个意外和无意的受益者,这要拜布什政府领导的美国所展开的牵制战争所赐,而此举又大大打击了美国自身。But geopolitically it is also the unintended and unintentional beneficiary of a diversionary struggle in which the United States, under the Bush administration, also harmed itself.

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和亲密的恋人、朋友或家人进行的一次转移注意力的谈话能帮助预防压力荷尔蒙出发高血压及其他健康并发病。A diversionary conversation with a close romantic partner, friend, or family member helps prevent stress hormones from triggering high blood pressure and other health complications.

5月2日,杰克逊秘密又迅速地带领一支28,000人的部队急行军15英里攻击胡克的侧翼,而同时李在前方攻击转换其注意力。On May 2, Jackson stealthily and quickly took 28,000 troops on an approximately 15-mile forced march to Hooker's exposed flank while Lee engaged in diversionary attacks on his front.

一个美国眼镜蛇攻击直升机海上火灾声东击西的信号弹,因为它近中远期工作在动荡的阿富汗南部赫尔曼德省,星期日,2011年5月8日基本EDI苍蝇。A United States Marine Cobra attack helicopter fires diversionary flares as it flies near Forward Operating Base Edi in the volatile Helmand Province of southern Afghanistan, Sunday, May 8, 2011.