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那意味着,他们并不教条。That means they are not doctrinaire.

我想一个人可以在学习中猜想其特殊性。I suppose that one could be doctrinaire about the role of the individual in learning.

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有没有很少发生改变并且教育技术专家可以不去实践的理论呢?Are there not things that rarely change about which an educational technologist could be doctrinaire?

不加分辨的拿来主义导致社区组团建设缺乏特色、个性和美感等。The doctrinaire cloning leads to the lack of character, distinction and beauty in housing design and construction.

教育要“去殖民地化”,“自由”,“革命”——或者也可以说成是既教条又片面。Education is to become “decolonising”, “liberating” and “revolutionary”—or doctrinaire and partisan, if you prefer.

中间派是用于指温和的,走中间道路的党派和政治,他们受到教条主义者和唯心主义者的藐视。The centre is the name for moderate, middle-of-the-road parties and politics, scorned by the doctrinaire and idealist.

也许,我们要创建内部交涉过程有关的过程的理论。Perhaps the process of creating internal represent tations is something about which we can eventually become doctrinaire.

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每天花几分钟查看工作上发生了什么是这么的简单有效,如此教条化的处理方式实在不可理喻。It is crazy to be so doctrinaire when spending a couple of minutes a day checking what is happening at work is so easy and so efficient.

他是一个在许多方面都难以相处的人。在政治上他是一个教条主义者。即便是他最亲密的朋友都说他待人不好。He was in many ways a difficult man to deal with. He was doctrinaire in his politics. Even his closest friends said he wasn't good with people.

主观原因主要包括两个方面,即人们主观上对马克思主义的教条化理解和资本主义自由化思想对马克思主义信仰的侵蚀。The subjective cause mainly includes two facets, that is the doctrinaire understanding of Marxism and the erosion of Marxist faith by the capitalist liberalized thoughts.

它致使许多人怀疑,“非重叠迭代”策略是否仅是对于实践概念的一种教条,或者在该策略背后是否真的存在某种原因。It leads many to wonder if the "no overlapping iterations" policy is just a doctrinaire position on a practical concept, or whether there's actually some reasoning behind the policy.

但在对其文本的研读中,人们也不难发现这样一个事实,那就是自由主义者所批判的实际上仅仅是苏联形成的那种教条化的传统历史规律观而并非真正的马克思主义历史规律思想。But through reading up their texts, people could always find out a fact, that is, what they criticized is only the doctrinaire views but not the real thoughts of Marxist history laws.