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她大胆提出反对意见。She ventured an objection.

以上就是反方的观点All right. Now, that's the objection.

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西米亚斯提出一个不同的反对观点。Simmias raises a different objection.

他给出了其反驳方的观点He gives us a version of this objection.

杰克逊先生看来丝毫不在意野蜂的叮刺。He seemed to have no objection to stings.

我不反对丁呢和他结婚。I had no objection to Dinny marrying him.

我不反对他来小住。Ihave no objection to him coming to stay.

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她突然插嘴提了个可笑的异议。She broke in with a ridiculous objection.

我有反驳它的理由There's an objection with that argument."

这至少是反驳者的观点That, at least, is how the objection goes.

很好,这是个有趣的异议。All right. That's an interesting objection.

这也就是第二点异议。And so that led us to the second objection.

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但是左伊有一个更实在的反对。But Zooey has a more substantive objection.

确切说,这不算绝对的否定。That's not a categorical objection exactly.

法官确认律师反对成立。The judge sustained the lawyer's objection.

我想这真是一个有误导性的反驳I think that's really a misguided objection.

得了,迈格莱格,你的反对无效!Come on, McGregor, your objection is invalid!

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值得我们重视。It's an objection worth taking very seriously.

有谁对这项规定持异议吗?Has anyone got any objection to this regulation?

柔性决定论者怎么面对这个反面意见呢?。How can the soft-determinist meet this objection ?