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她能让耳朵来回动。She can waggle her ears.

你能让耳朵来回动吗?Can you waggle your ears?

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它们摇着尾巴,走掉了。Waggle their tails and off they go.

他喜欢玩铅笔,无论你转动还是不转动铅笔。He loves pencils when you waggle them or not.

我们每月在「摇尾兄弟宠物渡假及健身中心」聚会一次。They meet once every month at Waggle Brothers Pet Resort and Spa.

这使得摇摆舞者静止下来,我们认为这是一种反射作用。This makes the waggle dancer freeze, which we think is a reflex action.

多恩豪斯博士由此得出结论,蜜蜂摇摆舞的价值有赖于环境。Dr. Dornhaus concluded that the value of the waggle dance depended on the environment.

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但多恩豪斯博士想知道,蜜蜂这种摇摆舞姿的交流实际泄露了什么。But Dr. Dornhaus questioned what the honeybees actually got out of the waggle dance communication.

在四年计划的后期阶段他也希望与大家一起在线解码摇摆舞。He also hopes to involve the public in decoding the waggle dances online at a later stage of the four-year project.

过了一会儿,其他的侦察兵开始访问他们同伴通告的地点,同样在回来的时候上演更多的摇摆舞。After a while, other scouts start to visit the sites advertised by their compatriots and, on their return, also perform more waggle dances.

我们同时主张舞蹈语言仅仅是这些多功能信号中的一种功能,所以舞蹈语言与这种多功能信号不能成为同义词。We argue that the 'dance language' is just one information component of the waggle dance and that the two terms should not be used synonymously.

做小幅度的预振杆,然后再次把杆头置于球后,并且压迫杆身前向倾斜。Have a slight waggle and then set the club back of the ball again and make a forward press similar to what you would do swinging a bucket of water.

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当他们返回蜂巢时,它们用头碰撞正在表演著名的“摇摆舞”的蜂巢伙伴。摇摆舞是用来指示可能的觅食者去往丰富的花蜜源的。When they return to the hive, they headbutt hive mates performing the famous "waggle dance" that directs would-be foragers to rich sources of nectar.

每只蜜蜂都要审查她注意到的各个地方,如果她同意,那么当她返回蜂群以后也会跳一支摇摆舞。Each scout inspects the site she navigated to and if she agrees that is a desirable dwelling place, she too performs a waggle dance when she returns to the swarm.

摇摆舞研究是苏赛克斯五年计划中四个项目的第二个,这也是下周在苏赛克斯大学瑞耐克斯蜜蜂研究所正式运行的一个项目。The waggle dance research is the second of four projects in the five-year Sussex plan, which is officially launched next week at Ratnieks's bee laboratory at Sussex University.

每只发现这样一个符合要求的地方都要检查一下以确保适于居住且安全,然后飞回蜂群通过舞蹈告知蜂后它的发现。Each scout that discovers a promising site inspects it to see if it is suitably roomy and secure, and then returns to the cluster to announce her find by performing a waggle dance.

摇摆舞者需要依靠一个垂直的舞蹈平台掌握方向。The waggle dancers depend upon a vertical dancing platform for direction and orientation, but Dr. Dornhaus flipped some beehives on their sides at her study site among agricultural fields in Germany.