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我喜欢这座未开发的岛屿。I like this undeveloped island.

左侧的锥体束不发育。The left pyramidal tract is undeveloped.

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中国的宗教是个未发育的三色市场。China's religion is an undeveloped Tri-color Market.

她到不发达的国家义务工作。She traveled to undeveloped countries and worked for free.

特有的原始景观,没开发过的。The landscape is uniquely primeval and rather undeveloped.

看来我们清大还有很多未开发的地区。It seems like NTHU has lots of areas being left undeveloped.

但是达到这一目的,印度的大多数不发达地区将需要很多年时间。Yetthat, in the most undeveloped parts of India, will take years.

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高等植物的种子里包含有一个尚未发育的小植物体——胚芽。The seeds of plants contain a small undeveloped plant, the embryo.

欠发达地区的灌溉工程可以改善区域经济状况。Irrigation projects in undeveloped areas can change local economies.

从最上面的两张图片中可以看到,左侧边缘地区的土地尚未被开发利用,只有隐约可见的在建街道网,该处地表呈现为米黄色和棕黄色。Undeveloped land appears along the left edges of the top two images.

别再敲你双胞胎弟弟那还没发育完全的柔软脑壳了!Nale! Stop hitting your twin brother in his soft undeveloped baby skull!

该岛拥有数英里的原始海滨,大部分地区还没有开发。Much of the island remains undeveloped and has miles of pristine beaches.

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但未发育的雄性精子细胞,即精原细胞,能够较好的冷冻保存。But undeveloped male sperm cells, called spermatogonia , do fine in a freezer.

另外,有些儿童尿床仅仅是因为膀胱小且神经系统发育不完善。Finally, some kids simply have small bladders and an undeveloped nervous system.

果洛藏族自治州属于经济欠发达、甚至特别不发达的地区。Economy is below developed, even is undeveloped in Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous County.

很久以前,那些居住在北美大陆蛮荒之地的人们开始流传这个故事。Long ago, the people who settled in undeveloped areas of America first told tall tales.

现代仓储业在我国起步较晚,发展滞后。The development of modem storage industry in china is relatively late, and undeveloped.

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详细描写并分析了其后置词不发达的特点。The author described its postposition system and analyzed its undeveloped characteristic.

由于这片阳光最充足的未开发地正被加上种种开发限制,那些目标就变得更加难以实现了。Those targets have become harder to reach as the sunniest undeveloped land is put off limits.

对于无开发数据的待开发油田往往采用类比法。Sometimes the analogy method is adopted in the undeveloped oilfields without development data.