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我非常相信星相学。I believe firmly in astrology.

弗兰克不相信占星术。Frank disbelieved in astrology.

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天文学的前身是占星术。Astronomy inherits from astrology.

啥子是玉轮星座?。What is Moon Sign or Moon Astrology?

你一定看出来,我对占星学不感冒。As you can tell, I'm not fond of astrology.

天秤宫天文学中黄道上的第七宫。The seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology.

他把历史和占星学都搞混了。He had his history and astrology all mixed up.

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圣经中经常提及星占术。Astrology is mentioned all throughout the Bible.

我不相信星象学或是算命的。I don't believe in astrology or fortune-telling.

许多人对占星学有误解。Many people have misconceptions about astrology.

比如说,他援引占星术的结果。He invokes, for example, the science of astrology.

对星占学的功能,星占家进行了论述。Features on astrology, astrology family are discussed.

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十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.

为什么星相学不能与科学的神话共存?Why can not astrology co-exist with the myth of science?

达芬奇,平衡,时间,创造,时轮占星术。Da Vinci, Balance, Time, Creation, Astrology By The Clock.

天文学家例行公事地说占星术没有任何科学根据。Astronomers routinely say that astrology has no scientific basis.

中国星象学及星座常用于占卜。Chinese astrology and constellations were often used for divination.

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紫薇斗数是中国道家传统的算命方法。Purple Star astrology is a traditional Taoist Chinese divination system.

那些你读过的占星专栏文章看似准确,其实不过是碰巧而已。All those astrology columns you've read that seemed spot-on were a fluke.

在学习天体的预兆的学科中至今并没有发现占星学的部分。The study of celestial omens does not constitute astrology as we know it.