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这种方法也适用于抛物面和双曲面。This method can also be used for paraboloid and hyperboloid.

介绍了以旋转单叶双曲面作麻花钻钻尖后刀面的数学模型。The mathematical model of the hyperboloid twist drill was introduced.

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通过风洞模拟实验对双曲面形屋盖的平均风荷载特点进行了研究。Wind loading on a hyperboloid roof of a stadium was conducted by means of wind tunnel test.

该钻型主刃是双曲面与螺旋前刀面的交线,此交线与钻头端剖面形成的交点是主刃上的点。The cutting edge of the drill is the intersection of the hyperboloid and the spiral rake face.

单叶双曲面和双曲抛物面是直线曲面。The authors show that the hyperboloid of one sheet and the hyperbolic paraboloid are ruled surfaces.

从设计的结果可以看出,凸双曲面反射镜的像差已经得到了很好的校正,从而使检验变得更加方便。As a result, aberration of convex hyperboloid mirror is well corrected, so it is convenient for testing.

证明了摆线齿锥齿轮副的啮合线是单叶双曲面上的一条曲线。It is demonstrated that the meshing line between two meshing epicycloidal bevel gears is a curve of uniparted hyperboloid.

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介绍了以回转双曲面作为麻花钻后刀面的数学模型,设计参数与刃磨参数的关系。Relationship of the geometric parameters and the grinding parameters of the hyperboloid twist drill were discussed deeply.

本文利用拟壳法研究了双曲率网状扁壳的动力问题。In this paper, the dynamic problems of hyperboloid latticed flat shells are studied by using the method of simulated shell.

以二次曲面为例,探讨了计算机语言与高等数学教学的整合问题,并给出了一个单叶双曲面的应用程序编写实例。This paper studies the integration of advanced mathematics and language of computer, an example Hyperboloid of One Sheet is given.

基于非共轴螺旋面钻尖的刃磨原理,建立了刃磨参数的数学模型。Mathematical model for hyperboloid grinding of twist drill and relationships between drill design and grinding parameters are introduced.

本文使用二次曲面的化简理论,对于给定的三根螺旋,求出由它们确定的单叶双曲。For a given three screws, this paper, using the theory of quadric surface, finds the hyperboloid which is defined by the three given screws.

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该文给出并证明球面与单叶旋转双曲面的轨迹互变特征。This thesis has railed and proved the characteristics of locus mutual change about spherical surface and hyperboloid of the one sheet of revolution!

介绍了以回转双曲面作为麻花钻后刀面的数学模型,研究了钻头设计参数与刃磨参数的关系。Mathematical model for twist drill hyperboloid grinding is introduced. The relationship between drill design para meters and grinding parameters is studied.

本文研究了由双曲壳和倒置圆锥壳组成的复杂网壳结构的静力性能。Firstly, the static behaviour of the complex reticulated shell structure which was composed of hyperboloid shell and inverted conical shell has been studied.

本文介绍由斜螺旋面和单叶双曲面组成的犁面在犁面主参数确定后的工程作图法。It's introduced in this paper how to draw the engineering drawing of the plow surface formed by a combination of a oblique helicoid and a hyperboloid of one sheet.

两个曲面相交得到一条曲线,曲线与第三个曲面的交点既是用户的三维坐标。Two of them intersect in a curved line which in turn intersects with the third hyperboloid in a point corresponding to the unknown three-dimensional user position.

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其天花体系要满足以屋面网架下弦球为固定点和适应双曲面的空间变化、网架雪荷载作用下沉、热胀冷缩等变形运动。The ceiling system should satisfy these requirements that using lower chord ball as fixed point, adapting space change of hyperboloid steel grid, grid settlement under snow load.

由于该钻型的主刃是双曲面上的曲线,主刃上任一点的锋角都不同,无法代表整个主刃的结构特点。Because the blade of the drill is a curve on the hyperboloid , the point angle at the blade is variable, any one point angle at the blade can not represent the blade design feature.

本文以双曲空腹扁网壳结构为研究对象,对结构的静力特性、动力特性、稳定性等做了研究分析工作,最后完成该结构的一个缩尺模型试验并作了分析。In this paper, taking the hyperboloid vierendeel latticed flat shell structure as the research object, analyzing the structural static performance, dynamic performance and stability.