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激光束可以烧灼和愈合溃疡。Laser beams may cauterize and heal ulcers.

就好像腐蚀根群然后使之死亡。They kind of cauterize them and the roots die.

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烧灼伤口技能所造成的伤害从10增加到15。Cauterize damage taken increased from 10 to 15.

激光可以麻痹伤口,减少流血和感染,封闭。Lasers cauterize incisions, reducing bleeding and infection, sealing off.

据悉,肖灼基教授是在此间举行的2001中国沈阳新世纪新发展论坛上说这番话的。It is learntthatProfessor cauterize hereisthenew 2001 China Shenyang Development Forum, said this new century.

据悉,肖灼基教授是在此间举行的2001中国沈阳新世纪新发展论坛上说这番话的。It is learnt that Professor Xiao cauterize here is the new 2001 China Shenyang Development Forum, said this new century.

用5-6W的激光输出功率均匀地烧灼、汽化跖疣至褐色疣体病变组织完全清除。Use 5-6W output power laser to cauterize and vaporize verruca plantaris to get rid of the brown colored pathological changes.

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从未有一次事件如今次这般,迫切的要求印巴两国政府明确有力的团结一致,来铲除这颗毒瘤。There has never been a stronger case for firm and united action by the governments of both India and Pakistan to cauterize the cancer in their midst.

切除肋间臂神经组均有不同程度的皮肤感觉异常,严重者疼痛或烧灼感。The patients of non-reserved intercostobrachial nerves had abnormal sensation on the skin of medial upper arms and axilla after operation, even feeling pain or cauterize.

方法对27例良恶性大气道肿瘤所致的气道阻塞病人,通过电子支气管镜下进行高频电刀烧灼切割术,观察病人的耐受性和并发症的发生率。Method 27 patients with bronchus benign and malign tumor had airway obstruction and were cauterized with high frequency knife cauterize incision through electric bronchoscope.