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你可以将机械部队缓慢下来,但是你不可以将他放逐。You can slow a mechanical unit , but you cannot bloodlust.

冰脉的施法加速效果不再和嗜血叠加。Icy Veins spell haste bonus no longer stacks with Bloodlust.

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这里是猛击代替英勇还是英勇代替猛击?During Bloodlust you should replace Slam with HS given enough rage.

伊丽莎白帮助马克逃脱,当四个仆人满足他们的杀戮的在伊娃。Elisabeth helps Mark to escape, while the four servants sate their bloodlust on Eva.

在组队游戏中,心灵之火和兽人萨满祭司的嗜血术都是非常有用的。Inner Fire can be an alternative to Orc Shaman Bloodlust and especially useful in team games.

导演们用鼓励有杀戮欲的观众用创造性的方法去杀死僵尸。And directors play with new creative ways to kill zombies to the bloodlust of a receptive audience.

龙喉氏族的失败标志着兽人部落的末日,以及兽人狂暴嗜血的彻底终结。The Dragonmaw clan's defeat signaled the end of the Horde, and the end of the orcs' furious bloodlust.

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原力强大的科伦人在战斗中肆无忌惮地复仇、杀戮,而这些都是绝地信条所禁止的。The Force-strong Korun fought without restraint, lashing out with vengeance and bloodlust forbidden by the Jedi Code.

事实上,渐渐的兽人们狂暴的天性似乎已然消失殆尽,代之以某种奇怪的消沉。Indeed, as time passed, the orca seemed to lose their raging bloodlust completely and lapse into a strange communal stupor.

他早就亲眼目睹过阿纳金从一个头脑清醒的指挥官堕落为一个沉溺于杀戮的战士。He had witnessed firsthand Anakin's descent from a level-headed commander to a warrior drunk with bloodlust for some time now.

他只为纯粹的消遣而猎杀,用来满足跨越上百个世界、纵横近两千年的无尽杀戮欲。He hunted for the pure sport of it, to feed an insatiable bloodlust that spanned literally hundreds of worlds and almost two thousand years.

异端裁判并不如电影和书本中描绘得那般充满血腥,现代的大部分历史学家也欣然承认这点。The Inquisition was not the violent bloodlust that many movies and books have claimed it to be, and most modern historians now admit this readily.

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他们变成暴躁的掠夺者,袭击村庄和商队来满足他们的杀戮欲并将被害者献祭给他们的恶魔领袖。They became furious marauders , driven to raid villages and caravans to sate their bloodlust and procure sacrificial victims for their demonic master.

血蹄和强壮的牛头人战士慷慨相助,很多兽人还是开始屈服于折磨他们多年的杀戮欲。Though they befriended Cairne Bloodhoof and his mighty tauren warriors, many orcs began to succumb to the demonic bloodlust that had plagued them for years.

勒荣、克里斯塔和贾妮斯在母巢内部看守着泰斯拉和几个因维科学家——以免受到眼下嘎鲁达人杀戮欲望的伤害。Lron, Crysta, and Janice were keeping Tesla and a few Invid scientists under guard inside the hive-protected from the Garudans' bloodlust for the time being.

玩到10既是塔尔博特和劳伦斯的狼人和经验的野蛮力量,贪得无厌的杀戮是推出了令人兴奋阶段的可怕后果!Play through 10 thrilling stages as both Lawrence Talbot and The Wolfman and experience the brute strength and insatiable bloodlust that launched a legacy of horror!

事实上,冰霜巨魔因为他们天生反常的高度嗜血欲望,以及残暴,是最先被赞达拉部族放逐的一支巨魔。Ice trolls were actually the first to be exiled by the original Zandalar tribe due to their highly unnatural bloodlust and brutality which included a hatred for their own kind.

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吉尔莫.德尔.托罗执导了三部曲中的第二部,片中主角大战变异吸血鬼——他们嗜血成性,无论是人类还是吸血鬼都不放过。Guillermo del Toro directed the second film in the set, above, about the lead character's battle to defeat mutant vampires so consumed with bloodlust that they prey on vampires as well as humans.