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最常见的街头艺人是吉他演奏者。The most common kind of busker plays a guitar.

街头艺人是指在大街上演奏音乐或表演节目的人。很简单。A busker is someone who performs music or an act on the street.

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耍杂的,卖艺的,脚踩天,头顶地。Acrobat, busker. Their feet to the sky, their heads to the floor.

我把百度对街头艺人的解释摘了下来,看有什么地方可不可以对号入座。To define what a Busker actually does, or is, takes some explaining.

在北京做英语教师的戴润·斯诺讲述了他当街头艺人的经历。Darren snow an english teacher in beijing talked about his experience as a busker.

加入北极熊俱乐部或者跟着街头歌手一起卖唱看看会有什么事情发生。Join a polar bear club or sing along with a busker in the streets and see what happens.

表演是否成功的唯一标准便是街头艺人吸引和保持人群注意力的能力。The success of the performance depends solely on how well the busker can grab and hold a crowds attention.

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身着工作装淋雨回家,加入北极熊俱乐部,与街头艺人共同高歌,或在卡拉OK厅当伴舞。Join a polar bear club or sing along with a busker in the streets and see what happens. Be a back up dancer at a karaoke bar.

一部现代音乐片。一个街头艺人,一个移民,二人在一周之内相遇,相知,并用音乐纪录下了他们这段爱情故事。A modern-day musical about a busker and an immigrant and their eventful week, as they write, rehearse and record songs that tell their love story.

令人愉快的都柏林图片。卖艺人表演行人在繁忙的格拉夫顿街,南边旁道充满有顶级零售店,包括旗舰布朗托马斯百货公司。A busker plays to pedestrians on busy Grafton Street, the Southside byway brimming with top retail establishments, including the flagship Brown Thomas department store.