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否则,要对列表中的每一个元素运行求值程序。Otherwise, run the evaluator on each element of the list.

让我们进一步编写扑克牌求值程序。Let's go one step further and write a hand evaluator for poker.

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比较筛选器和鉴别筛选器都需要使用此属性。This property is required for both comparison and evaluator filters.

汽车分割也比较麻烦,必要时还得请个评估师。Car segmentation is trouble, when necessary, have to ask an evaluator.

校长既是政策的制订者,也是政策执行者,还是政策的谘询者和评价者。He is the policy-maker, executive as well as the consultant and evaluator.

来自约翰•霍普金斯大学的这位评估员后来写道,“待在收容所似乎是他一生中最糟糕的经历。”“It seems,” his Johns Hopkins evaluator later wrote, “he had there his worst phase.”

要求考评者将员工按从高到低的顺序加以排列。A multiperson comparison that requires the evaluator to list employees in order from lowest to highest.

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我的经验告诉我,来自单一评估者的严重性评级太不可靠而难以被信任。My experience indicates that severity ratings from a single evaluator are too unreliable to be trusted.

目的研究基于自底向上策略的通用属性计算器的实现技术。Aim To study the implementing techniques of the general attributed grammar evaluator based on the bottom-up policy.

ETS向每位评估人员发送电子邮件邀请他们进入ETS个人潜力指数系统以完成对申请人的评估。ETS sends an e-mail to each evaluator inviting them to access the ETS PPI system to complete the student’s evaluation

毕竟,品牌是以消费者为中心的概念,消费者才是品牌的最终拥有者与评价者。On earth, brand was a conception that focused on consumers, and consumers were final possessor and evaluator of brands.

需要注意的是,每一个评估者必须独立的完成成他们的严重性评级。It is important to note that each evaluator should provide individual severity ratings independently of the other evaluators.

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当评价器受到较大干扰时,专家模块介入评价过程,以保持系统的稳定。When the evaluator is affected by large disturbance, the expert module intervenes the evaluation process so as to keep system stable.

论文答辩现场将有一位相应论文论题领域的专家作为外来评估员进行考核。Each evaluation contains an oral defense. There is where the student presents their topic to an expert evaluator for assessment and review.

病人可能有过很糟糕的治疗经历,担心被误解,或是认为评估者无法解决自己的问题。The patient may have had a bad experience with caregivers, fear being misunderstood, or believe that the evaluator can't handle his or her problems.

对总得分排后的企业评标方有理由认为投标报价不符合其真实情况。And for the enterprise whose total score ranks behind, the bid evaluator is justified to believe that its bid price does not conform to the actual situation.

在XML数据流的海量持续查询处理领域中,很少有研究涉及到在查询集合发生变化的情况下,如何调整查询执行器以满足当前查询集合的问题。In the research of massive continuous XPaths evaluation over XML data stream, little has been done on the maintenance of the evaluator when the query set evolves.

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对高管薪酬评估时,评估者适合用360度评估法,在评估模型适合用平衡记分卡的评估模式。To evaluating top manager salary , we choose the evaluator by using the method of evaluation with 360 degrees, and the Balanced Score Card is choose to the evaluation mode.

本报告根据实际经验提出了一些短期措施建议,如在腐败问题变得根深蒂固之时聘请采购评价人员或技术审计人员开展工作。Based on practical experience, the report recommends short-term measures, such as an independent procurement evaluator or technical auditor when corruption is deeply ingrained.

Scheme的源代码将被词法分析器解析成内部表结构来表示,再传入操作的解释模块中,转化为仅由基本指令组成的执行过程,在寄存器机器中执行。Then these list structures are converted into the basic instructions by evaluator module. And these instructions are executed through registers in the Virtual Register Machine.