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基因优生问题。Eugenic question of gene.

中国要求每对夫妇都要严格执行优生计划。In China, each couple is required to carry out a eugenic plan strictly.

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如果是我,一定会听医生的,优生最重要了!!!!!!If it is I will listen to doctors, the most important eugenic ! ! ! ! ! !

任何人都不应怀疑优生议程仍然存在于美国。Nobody should doubt the eugenic agenda remains alive and well in America.

苍天有眼啊,让我在优生之年得以观得如此精彩绝伦的帖子!God has eyes, ah, let me be the year of eugenic concept so fantastic post!

在今天的中国要求每对夫妇都要严格执行优生计划。In China today each couple is required to carry out a eugenic plan strictly.

优生政策最先是在二十世纪初在美国开始实施。Eugenic policies were first implemented in the early 1900s in the United States.

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优生科的医生认为是假阳性,对BB的影响概率很小。Eugenic Section Doctor think it is false positive, the impact on the probability of a small BB.

驱逐出境和个别的方法,如优生绝育,甚至在美国也是并行的。Expatriation and individual measures, such as eugenic sterilization, even had parallels in America.

在那里,德国制定了优生的社会,维持某特定的人数。There, the Germans developed a eugenic society that apparently is limited to a specific number of people.

结论部分则以近年来历史学者提出了论点,解释此种极端的优生政策在德国出现之原因。The explanation of this extreme phenomenon of eugenic policy in German history is offered in the conclusion.

这是迈向优生世界的第一步,在那个世界里,小孩成了操弄的对象及意志下的产物。It is the first step toward a eugenic world in which children become objects of manipulation and products of will.

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其它人则会联想到德国人当年实施的优生政策,从而对这一作法怀有同样强烈的厌恶。Others, recalling Germany's eugenic practices, have an equally strong abhorrence of genetic-based reproductive decisions.

为了优生优育,舒曼制定了一系列的最佳生育计划,希望正直配合。Force In order to eugenic and superior nurture, schumann formulated a series of family planning, hope the best with integrity.

免费为市南区的青年进行婚前检查、优生四项检测、无业孕妇建卡,进行系统管理。Free for City youth to carry out pre-marital check eugenic four test cards unemployed pregnant women to carry out systems management.

第五部分总结了潘氏优生学的研究方法和理论特色,同时也指出了其理论和观点中的缺陷与不足。Pan's eugenic research and probed the research methods used in his study. At the same time the defects of his theory were also pointed out.

根据遗传规律得到遗传平衡方程,以减少色盲数比例为目标,设计出两种优生方案,并找出其优生规律。To regard reducing the achromatopsia and counting the proportion as the goal, it designs two kinds of eugenic schemes, and finds out its eugenic law.

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在统计分析大量资料的基础上,探讨了优生与出生月份的关系。揭示了一条优生的规律。A discussion on the relation between eugenics and the birth month, based on the statistics and analysis of a lot of data. such discovering an eugenic law.

目的探讨心脏瓣膜置换术后妊娠期抗凝治疗的监护,提高心脏手术后妇女的优生率。Objective To explore nursing care of anti-coagulation treatment during gestation after hear valve replacement and improve eugenic rate after heart surgery.

本文在前人研究的基础上,爬梳了先生的各种优生学著作,力图完整再现潘氏优生学的全貌。By reviewing the former research achievements, this article explored all varieties of Mr. Pan's eugenic works and tried to represent his theory from all sides.