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闲散浪费光阴。Idleness eats up time.

我的时间闲混过去了。I passed my time in idleness.

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因此,懒惰是母亲。Thus, idleness is the mother.

懒惰出乞丐。Idleness is the key of beggary.

整天没事干的享乐很快就使人感到厌烦。The pleasures of idleness soon cloy.

懒散是最大的挥霍。Idleness is the greatest Prodigality.

懒惰是最大的消费。Idleness is the greatest prodigality.

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刀不用会生锈,人闲着会怠惰。A man, like a sword, rusts in idleness.

他们沉溺于享乐和闲逸中。They weltered in pleasure and idleness.

懒惰,贪图舒服,多么险恶的悬崖!What precipices are idleness and pleasure!

我看不起那些吃闲饭的人。I look down on those who eat the bread of idleness.

你骂他不求上进是应该的。It is proper that you should scold him for his idleness.

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人们怒斥奢侈与懒惰行为。Many people are fulminating against luxury and idleness.

懒惰是贫穷的原因,是犯罪的根源。Idleness is the key of beggary, and the root of all evil.

懒惰是行乞的敲门砖,是万恶的根源。Idleness is the key of beggary , and the root of all evil.

爱情是闲者的正事,忙者的“忙里偷闲”。Love is the business of the idle but idleness of the busy.

那个男孩的懒惰使老师的努力付之于流水。The boy's idleness renders null all the teacher's efforts.

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妈妈对他的儿子说不要沉溺于享乐和闲逸之中。Mother told her son not to welter in pleasure and idleness.

懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。Like rustiness, idleness consume more body energies than work.

爱情是闲人的正经事,忙人的偷闲玩意。Love is the business of the idle and the idleness of the busy.