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受第一次的启发,福曼认为自己可以有更好的成绩。Inspired by his first try, Forman thought he could do even better.

她正根据他的口述记录西蒙·福曼的日记。She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of Simon Forman.

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福曼和他的团队截至目前没有发表任何评论。Forman and his team did not respond to requests for comment by deadline.

佛曼称许多公司很严肃的看待支持地球一小时这件事情。Many companies, however, are serious in support of Earth Hour, Forman said.

米歇尔·福门精通她所教的课程,对学生有着很高的期望。Michele Forman knows her subjects and has high expectations for her students.

拳王智烤炉成为有史以来最销量最好的电动厨具。The George Forman Grill became the best selling electric appliance in history.

福曼认为他能不停车通过更多的十字路口。Forman thought he could get through more intersections than that without stopping.

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福尔曼和玛佐还说,假单胞菌对于囊性纤维化的人可能是威胁。Also, Forman and Mazur say that Pseudomonas can be a threat to people with cystic fibrosis.

通过现实主义的,幽默与人文,福尔曼变换的故事,以更好地表达男高音的时间。Through realism, humor and humanism, Forman transforms the story to better express the tenor of its time.

几乎每个人或多或少都拥有一台,我们也感谢乔治妻子的伟大发现。Almost everyone has a George Forman grill of some sort and we all have George’s wife to thank for the discovery.

福门也认为这个友好的小东西可能会引起癌症的这种想法可能有点道理。Forman , too, thinks there might be something to the notion that the friendly little devices could cause cancer.

亚瑟·福门在德克萨斯州的休斯顿的一个癌症中心工作,大多数来他这儿看病的病人注定要得到不幸的消息。Most of the patients who come to see Arthur Forman at a Cancer Center in Houston, Texas are destined to get bad news.

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当地的一家电视台采访了福曼。他说因为信号灯要保证开慢车的人安全,它是定时的,所以他的速度达到了35千米/小时。A local television station spoke to Forman. He said he drove about 35 kilometers per hour because the lights are timed to reward safe, slower drivers.

工头已经与客户接触并建立了初步的合作意向,其中的条款将根据实际情况作适当调整。Forman has already begun to approach clients with a view to identifying an initial project in which these links can be developed in practical situations.

国际癌症研究机构的大卫·福尔曼称,在未来的几十年里,不断增加和老化的人口将会让癌症变得越来越普遍。In the next few decades, says David Forman of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, growing and aging populations will make cancer more common.

在格雷森成立自己的试探委员会角逐邦宁的席位时,邦宁曾一度给予其祝福,而且从许多方面来说他的政治生命要归功于麦康奈尔的相助。Bunning had once given Grayson his blessing to forman exploratory committee to run for his seat, and in many he ways owed hispolitical career to McConnell.