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那孩子真是个小淘气。That child is a real imp.

语音质量有了巨大提升。The sound quality is vastly imp roved.

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浙江杭州丝绸集团进出口。Zhejiang Hangzhou Silk Group Imp &. Exp.

也许这是一个可行的小鬼改良的方法。Maybe this could be rolled into Improved Imp.

强化背刺和强化切割换位置…Imp backstab and imp SnD have switched places.

休斯敦的图腾可能正是一个代表不协调的神灵。Houston’s totem could be the Imp of Incongruity.

看着这些,我们这些小鬼心里乐开了花。Look at these, we these imp heart happy blossomed.

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“失去了土地的大人们,”布朗·本说。“就像你,小恶魔。”"Landless lords, " said Brown Ben. "Like you, Imp. "

你想谁会愿意出钱把这样的淘气鬼搞回去呀?。Do you think anybody will pay money to get that imp back?

英国一个下雾的早晨,基督人格问题这一小精灵搔挠着他的头脑。A misty English morning the imp hypostasis tickled his brain.

像素小鬼是个爱尔兰的网页设计和开发顾问。Pixel Imp is an Irish web design and development consultancy.

你想谁会愿意出钱把这样的淘气鬼搞回去呀?Do you think anybody will pay money to get that little imp back?

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进口货物,为报关进口的当天。For importation of goods, it is the date of imp -ort declaration.

本文还对内隐绩效模型的形成进行了探讨。In the last section, the paper briefly discussed the form of IMP.

我现在是黑水河的波隆爵士了,小恶魔。这可是过目不望。I am Ser Broon of the Blackwater now, Imp. see you don't forget it.

我们成立于1997年,并且发展成主要的进出口公司之一。We were founded in 1997 and have grown to be one of the leading Imp.

你不能给你的宠物命名,但初级术士得到的小鬼非常有趣。You can't name your pet, but the Imp a first level Warlock gets was super kewl.

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是罪孽的标志和产物,无挤身于受洗的婴孩之列。An imp of evil, emblem and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants.

广州百禄进出口贸易有限公司是一家专业从事家具进出口的贸易公司。Guangzhou Bailu Imp & Exp Co. , ltd is a professional exporter for outdoor furniture.

我们公司厦门恒泉进出口发展有限公司成立于2001。Our company, Xiamen Hengquan Imp. & Exp. Development Co. , Ltd, was established in 2001.