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它需要的远多于连任的诡计。It needs to be more than a re-election ruse.

然而这看来同样是他的另一个诡计。But that too, it seems, was just another ruse.

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企业社交网络是革新还是诡计?Is Business-centric Social Networking a Revolution -- or a Ruse?

但这是一个诡计,接下来的几小时里他经历了痛苦的治疗。But it was a ruse and within hours he underwent the painful treatment.

生火制造烟幕,是古老的战争诡术。Lighting fires to create a smoke screen is an ancient ruse in military tactics.

那却是德纳第夫妇谋财的骗局,珂赛特并没有害病。After all it was a ruse of the Thenardiers to obtain money. Cosette was not ill.

迈克尔鲁斯在弗罗里达州大学教历史和科学哲学。Michael Ruse teaches the history and philosophy of science at Florida State University.

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天真的布什政府中了他的计谋,结束对利比亚惩罚性的抵制制裁。The naïve Bush administration fell for this ruse and ended its punishing boycott of Libya.

他们认为这样的计策能阻止老虎,因为老虎很少从正面攻击一个人。They believed the ruse would deter the cats as tigers rarely attack a person from the front.

然而这很可能是又一次的计谋,把对球员和他们没精打采的表现的注意转移到他的身上。Then again it was probably a ruse to take the focus away from the players and their tame performance.

新闻持续播放,直到有人指出画面中的两个官员在这起卡扎菲大赦事件之前就已经死了。The ruse persisted until someone pointed out that two of the officials shown at the event were now dead.

他重获的良心乍看之下彷佛只是用来接近反抗军──苏洛所在的地方──的策略。His rediscovered conscience, it would seem, was but a ruse to get closer to the Rebellion, where Solo resided.

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我在鲁斯看到的共产时代建造的街区,是我在东欧地区看到的最破败的。The communist-era housing blocks I spot on the way out of Ruse are the most rundown I have seen in the region.

2006年,一位来自保加利亚的鲁赛城女士经历了一场惨不忍睹的车祸,两辆车都毁了,但是她和另一位司机幸免于难。In 2006 a women from the Bulgarian city of Ruse was in a pretty horrific car accidents that left both cars totaled.

更急迫的是,还不知道扎尔达里为了从无法捉摸的乔杜里那里自保而采取什么行动。More urgently, it is unclear what ruse Mr Zardari may now attempt to protect himself from the maverick Mr Chaudhry.

示威者还指控布朗伯格市长利用整理市容的诡计来阻碍示威游行。The protesters also accused Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of using the cleaning as a ruse to shut down their activity.

若任一对手操控山脉,并且你操控平原,则你不需支付其魔法力费用,便可以使用西薇的妙计。If an opponent controls a mountain and you control a plains, you may play Sivvi's Ruse without paying its mana cost.

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肯梦倒是作了承诺,声称其采用的每一种配料成分都可以追溯到某种植物,但说到底不过是个营销策略而已。They do have a requirement that all the ingredients can be traced back to some plant but ultimately, this is a ruse.

父亲喜欢逗弄我,所以他会持续一段时间,所以在那晚之后我再也没有玩过这个游戏了。But my father loves to tease, so he kept the ruse up for some time, and after that night I never played the game again.

那么,是否可由此断定人们应该闭口不谈培养品格的意图,而采取诡秘而圆滑些的行动呢?Does it follow that one should keep silent about one's intention of education character, and act by ruse and subterfuge?