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谢谢我们可能不然后带来层云桌的更新。Thank you for the update – we may not bring the stratus table then.

默认状态的组合是积云和层云。The default condition is a combination of cumulus and stratus clouds.

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你的胸中豪情万丈,如层云跌宕起伏,你微微一笑,别了,我的上帝!Your chest lofty, such as stratus ups and downs, your smile, do not, my God!

它形成的原因是在5000米的高空中出现了由冰晶构成的卷层云。Cause it is an altitude of 5000 meters from the ice crystals appear in the volume constitute a stratus.

但不要将它与依附在山顶的简单层云弄混淆了,因为它看上起就像是一顶让人觉得欣喜的云帽。But don't confuse them with a simple stratus cloud clinging to a mountaintop. “Only a jaunty cloud hat” will do.

我们对2000年道奇Stratus的数据库回顾,问题,并提出让你了解,受过良好教育的缺陷,和安全的。We have a 2000 Dodge Stratus Review database, and propose to let you know and disadvantages of well-educated, and security.

层云峡是大雪山国立公园中的温泉乡,可饱览的美景不胜枚举。Gorge of Stratus Clouds is the home of thermal springs in the national parks of Snow Mountains, with beautiful scenes too numerous to enumerate.

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利用新方案模拟了一次层状云降水过程,新旧方案降水模拟结果的对比表明新方案的降水预报效果有所改进。By comparing model simulation with an observed precipitation formed by stratus cloud system, the new scheme shows the improvement of prediction precipitation.

而这次始祖鸟化石的发现,比先前发现的鸟化石时代更早,层位元更低,特征更加原始。However this find of archaeopteryx fossils are from a much earlier age lower in stratus and more primitive in features than previously discovered archaeopteryx.

结果显示,在积状云和层状云背景中的目标识别较容易,在波状云中的目标识别较难。Simulation results show that targets can be found more easily in cumulus or stratus than in undulance cloud, because undulance cloud is more abrupt change in its intensity.

本文以常规气象资料为初值,用载水的原始方程模式,对早春时节我国北方一次低压层状云区的浓密、过冷空域,进行模拟催化增水的数值试验。A series of numerical experiments are engaged by running the water-bearing numerical model for simulating the cloud-seeding in the thick airspace of stratus cloud area in a depression.

北极以南800英里,钟乳石—像层云—被每小时90英里的大风搅动着,瘀紫色的黎明阳光描绘了英格尔场海湾上的天启肖像。Eight hundred miles south of the North Pole, stalactite-like stratus clouds—churned by 90-mile-an-hour winds—and the light of a bruised dawn paint an apocalyptic portrait over Inglefield Bay.

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应用一维云模式确定红外线图上对流核的降水率,层状云降水通过一个温度阈值给出。Finally it outputs the rainfall rate from the convective nucleolus in infrared cloud data by using the one dimension cloud model and gives the rainfall of stratus using a threshold of temperature.