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商州地区则以TMV和PVY为主要的病毒类群。The predominant viruses were TMV and PVY in Shangzhou.

说明TMV的MP基因在不同株系中是非常保守的。These. results show the sequences of TMV MP are quite conserved.

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番茄系统感染TMV诱导叶片胞外蛋白量增加。Systematic infection of tomato leaves by TMV induced the rise of peroxidase activity.

从福建烟区分离、纯化、鉴定到TMV普通株系。TMV commom strain was isolated from Fujian tobacco region, then purified and identified.

通过两年的血清学检测,证明PVY和TMV是蒙阴烟区的主要病毒病毒。Two year's serological detection indicated that PVY and TMV were the most prevalent viruses in Mengyin.

本文以烟草花叶病毒运动蛋白为对象,进行荧光导向载体的构建与表达研究。This report take TMV MP as object, study of the construction and expression of fluorescent guided carrier.

从植物天然产物中开发防治烟草花叶病毒病的药剂是目前的发展方向。Exploitation of natural plant extracts against TMV of tobacco is a new direction for development of antivirus.

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具有高抗TMV、中抗CMV、果实硬度高、抗裂、耐压、耐贮运、果实加工性状优良等特点。It is resistant to TMV and tolerant to CMV. The variety has high fruit hardness and fruit cracking resistance.

对番茄病毒病的主要症状、类型,番茄上TMV、CMV株系分化的鉴定及其遗传规律的研究现状进行了综述。The main characters, types, appraisal and genetic rule of differentiation of tomato TMV and CMV were reviewed.

TMV可以与CMV复合侵染,不仅造成植物品质的下降同时可以造成巨大的经济损失。TMV and CMV can compound infection. They not only cause the plant quality poor but create the huge economic loss.

再生得到的转化烟株在烟草花叶病毒强感染情况下能延迟病症表现4一25天。Under the strong infection condition, the transgenic tobacco plant could delay the presence of disease symptom of TMV for 4 to 25 days.

香菇粗提物和平菇粗提物对TMV的抑制效果及体外钝化效果较好,并且比较接近。Lentinnula edodes extract and Pleurotus ostreatus extract showed similar and good passivation and in vitro inhibitory effect against TMV.

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抗病性性状与营养成份间总体关联度大小顺序为疫病、CMV、TMV、疮痂病。The magnitude on grey correlation degree between disease resistance and nutrient substance was Phytophthora blight, CMV, TMV Bacterial scab of Capsicum.

MV的体外钝化试验验证了BABA并非直接作用于病毒,其表现出对病毒的防治效果很可能来源于其对植物的诱导抗病性作用。He passivation test of TMV in vitro shows that BABAs anti-TMV effect may largely depends on its induction of plant defence system rather than passives TMV directly.

而受TMV污染的漂浮盘、营养液和基质是TMV在漂浮育苗中传播的主要初侵染源,但对TMV的传播效率较低。The infected seedling tray, nutrient solution and medium were major sources of TMV spreading in floating seedbed system, though the spreading efficiency was relatively lower.