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金鸡纳霜是治疗风寒的药方。Quinine is a cure for colds.

奎宁是治疗疟的良药。Quinine is the medicine for malaria.

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奎宁是治疗疟疾的良药。Quinine is the medicine for malaria.

医生令那孩子服奎宁。The doctor dosed the boy with quinine.

给发高烧病人服用了奎宁。Feverish patients were dosed with quinine.

医生说我应该服用金鸡纳霜。The doctor says that I should take quinine.

修女给他注射了一针奎宁。The sisters gave him an injection of quinine.

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那天晚上,他觉得是在伤风了,便吃了些奎宁。That night he felt a cold coming on and took quinine.

该地区开始成功地用奎宁作为预防剂。The region began to use quinine successfully as a prophylactic.

但是疟疾寄生虫已变得对氯奎和奎宁有抗药性。Butthe malaria parasite has become resistant to chloroquine and quinine.

但是疟疾寄生虫已变得对氯奎和奎宁有抗药性。But the malaria parasite has become resistant to chloroquine and quinine.

如果不见好转,使用硫酸奎宁处理。Observe for 2 days. If the condition persists, treat with Quinine Sulfate.

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对于治疗疟疾而言,祛除湿气是比服用奎宁更好的办法。Clearing swamps is a better way to tackle malaria than administering quinine.

一当治愈疟疾成为举世闻名,对于奎宁的研究就开始了。Once the cure for malaria became world-known, the research on the quinine began.

玉芬通知大家需求找到奎宁树采集奎宁才可能有救。YuFen notice everyone needs to find quinine tree acquisition quinine might mend.

出于兴趣,哈内曼自己吃了一些奎宁以观察是否真的有这种作用。Intrigued, Hahnemann took some quinine himself to see if it really had this effect.

多年来,氯喹和奎宁一直是治疗疟疾的主要药品。For years, the drugs chloroquine and quinine have been frontline treatments for malaria.

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电极可用于奎宁的电位滴定法或直接电位法测定。The electrode is proposed for the direct potentiometry and potentiometric titration of quinine.

阿虎却说奎宁树只呈现在传说中,丛林凶险,找到的可能性微乎其微。AHu said quinine tree only present in legends, the jungle ill-tempered, find the extremely unlikely.

而8-羟基喹啉和间硝基苯酚导致上述氢的化学位移稍升高。But 8-hydroxy quinine and m- nitrophenol made chemical shift of the above hydrogen slightly increase.