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日复一日,她们精神萎靡。Day by day, their spirits atrophy.

一种能力如不加以使用将会减退。An ability may atrophy if it is not used.

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部份萎缩AMACR标记阳性。Partial atrophy can be positive for AMACR.

没有这些,最活跃的头脑也会萎缩。Without them, the liveliest mind can atrophy.

萎缩和退化的区别是什么?What's the difference between atrophy and involution?

门静脉分支结扎的肝叶逐渐萎缩。The ligated liver lobes underwent an atrophy gradually.

它可以在剂量过高,造成睪丸萎缩。It can, in exorbitant dosages, cause testicular atrophy.

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浦肯野氏纤维萎缩、变性。Atrophy and degeneration of the Purkinje's fibers occurs.

如果不锻炼你的肌肉,肌力就削弱和萎缩了。If you don't exercise your muscles, they weaken and atrophy.

个别患者出现局部肌无力、肌萎缩。Individual local myasthenia gravis patients, muscular atrophy.

皮肤萎缩波及表皮、真皮和皮下组织。Skin atrophy affects cuticular, derma and subcutaneous tissue.

在超过2年的MRI关联中,没有出现脑部的大量萎缩。Also on my MRI comparisons over 2 years, no brain mass atrophy.

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右上方可见生精小管的灶状萎缩。There is focal atrophy of tubules seen here to the upper right.

大脑的某些区域如果没有受到促进就会萎缩更甚死亡。Some areas of the brain, if not stimulated, will atrophy and die.

由于视网膜中心凹萎缩,中央视力开始丧失。Because of the atrophy at the fovea, central vision begins to be lost.

如果得不到刺激和锻炼,肌肉就会萎缩和死亡。Muscles require stimulation and exercise or they will atrophy and die.

鞭挞被认为是在萎缩和消瘦的案件有帮助。Flagellation is thought to be helpful in cases of atrophy and emaciation.

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光镜下肺泡腔炎性细胞浸润明显减轻。Alveolus cavity enlarge with some alveolus atrophy under light microscope.

如果再这样继续下去,人的四肢将会萎缩,除了一直敲打键盘的手指。If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.

小儿麻痹症患者需要物理疗法防止病肢萎缩。Polio victims need physiotherapy to prevent the atrophy of affected limbs.