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他发出了几声喉音。He made a few guttural sounds.

我的抚摸惹得它喉咙里长长的一声咆哮。My caress provoked a long, guttural gnarl.

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咽喉癌的人为什么老咳嗽?The factitious what of guttural cancer often coughs?

乔说话声音低沉粗嘎,带着中西部地区的腔调。Joe had a low, guttural voice with a mid-Western accent.

咔哒的喉音或者混合音调?Did he wantclicksand guttural sounds or something involving varying tones?

你知不知道,"她说英语带着喉音,"哪儿有德国餐馆?"Do you happen to know," she said in guttural English, "of a German restaurant?

当时我一个字都没听懂,但它的节奏,它带喉音的感情奔放的嗓音。This was one where I didn't understand a word, yet the rhythm and that guttural.

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有时她讲希腊文,有时咕哝拉丁语,有时听起来又象是某山区部落经已失传的方言。Sometimes she spoke Greek, or guttural Latin, or the lost tongues of mountain hordes.

中古以来牙喉音及其开合口发生了许多变化。Since mediaeval times, velar and guttural and its opening closing mouth have had many transformations.

为什么咽喉会长滤泡,除了激光治疗,还有没有其它有效的治疗方法。Why guttural chairman is follicular , besides laser treatment, still have the remedial method with effective other.

胃窦炎会伴有喉咙异物感,心口痛的症状吗?。Meeting companion has gastric sinusitis guttural eyewinker feeling, the symptom with painful the pit of the stomach?

死亡金属的唱腔常用喉吼、哼、嗥、低咯,也通俗地称作死腔。Death metal vocals are often guttural roars, grunts, snarls, and low gurgles colloquially called death grunts or death growls.

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在硬摇滚界,你正开始看到极端的金属乐队以用喉音唱歌的女歌手为灵魂人物,"她说。"In the hard rock genre, you're starting to see extreme metal bands with guttural singing with a lead female singer," she said.

也可能引发头晕、浑身无力、腿软、食欲减退、咽干口渴、喉咙发痒、咳嗽、失眠多梦等。Cause giddy, all-overish, leg possibly also soft, anorexia, pharynx doing is thirsty, guttural much dream of scratchy , cough, insomnia.

唯一可取之处是没人听到我因恐惧而发出的喉音,因为我离话筒很远。My only saving grace was so that no one heard the guttural sounds of fear groaning out of my mouth, because I was shaking so far from the microphone.

声音设计师本·伯特提供了由喉音和昆虫咔哒声组成的适当而古怪的混音后,对口型被再次准确地实现了。When Sound Designer Ben Burtt delivered a suitably bizarre mix of guttural speech and clicking insect sounds, the lip-sync was redone to properly match.

你听到的此起彼伏的咕噜声,原来出自某人的喉咙,不一会儿又换个人的,仿佛要从灵魂深处把浓痰给掏上来。What you're hearing, that incessant guttural hiss, is the sound of one person, and then another, dredging up phlegm, seemingly from the depths of his or her soul.

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那是一种粗哑刺耳的说话声,一连串嘎嘎的喉音,听起来好像有两个人,一个声音稍微低一些、慢一些。It was a rough and unmelodious tongue, a string of rattling, guttural noises, and there seemed to be two speakers, one with a slightly lower, slower voice than the other.

滥用抗生素对健康只会有害、无益,还可能会导致咽喉部正常菌群失调,甚至引起感染。It is harmful, profitless that abusive antibiotic is met only to health, it is normal to still may bring about guttural ministry bacterium group maladjusted , cause infection even.