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去滑雪橇。Go sledding.

我是滑雪橇所需的雪。I am snow for sledding.

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但事情的发展肯定不会是一帆风顺。But the sledding won't be smooth.

当我还是小孩时,我就爱上了玩雪橇。When I was a kid, I LOVED sledding.

冬天的时候,我挖完冰道又去滑雪橇。In winter, I built snow tunnels and went sledding.

我记得刚刚几个星期前我们一起乘雪橇。I remembered when we were sledding together a few weeks before.

我们回到家里,然后去后院的小山上滑雪橇。We got home and went sledding on the small hill in our back yard.

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在许多地方冬天意味着溜冰,雪橇和打雪仗。Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights.

在许多地方冬天意味着滑冰,使用雪橇和打雪仗。Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights.

较昂贵的衣服滞销时,家常服通常销路都较好。House dresses usually sell better when more expensive lines have tough sledding.

如果一只滑雪橇的蜗牛从光滑的斜坡上滑下来,那蜗牛是从斜坡上滑雪橇下来的还是滑下来的?If a sledding snail went down a slippery slide, would a sail or slide down the slide?

她花了很多时间和我和哥哥在一起,做姜饼屋,滑雪橇还有剪纸雪花。She spent hours with my brothers and me, making gingerbread houses or sledding or cutting out paper snowflakes.

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继昨天驾着雪橇出门冒险之后,今天我和孩子们都无法满足于待在家里。After yesterday’s successful sledding adventure, my kids and I weren’t particularly content to stay inside today.

有些人到杰克逊山洞去坐狗拉雪橇滑雪,狗拉雪橇滑雪就是游客坐在雪橇上,一群狗拉着雪橇在雪地上跑,这是众多享受传统山区景色方式的一种。Some people go dog sledding in Jackson Hole. They get on a sled and are pulled by a team of dogs through the snow.

帕姆·维丝从来没有登录过FaceBook——直到2007年,她21岁的女儿在一次滑雪事故中不幸丧生。Before her 21-year-old daughter died in a sledding accident in early 2007, Pam Weiss had never logged on to Facebook.

表哥表姐以及我们三兄弟当天大部份时间都在一所公立中学后面的大山坡上玩雪橇。My cousins and us three brothers went sledding for most of the day on a gigantic hill behind the local middle school.

德国队还在雪橇类项目中保持了一贯的优势,已经在无舵雪橇、有舵雪橇和钢架雪车项目中拿了九块奖牌。It also has enjoyed its usual dominance in sledding sports, where it has already won nine medals in luge, bobsled and skeleton.

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布什总统说,成功地完成多哈回合贸易谈判对美国来说任务十分艰巨。Efforts successfully to complete the Doha round of trade talks are currently "rough sledding" for the United States, the president said.

我们玩了一会儿“滑雪梯”后休息了一下,接着又去坐了好玩的雪地秋千,然后又去画雪橇。We did that for a while, then took a break to go play on the swings which is always fun in the snow, then we went back to sledding again.

在前庭中建有一个溜冰场和一个专用于滑雪橇的小山,很显然是孩子们最喜爱的地方,而不适合我们这两个男“同志”。In the courtyard in front an ice skating rink and sledding hill were set up, clearly a popular favorite with the kids, but not for these two homos.